Chapter 2 - Mirage?!

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                 Noah: "So about this job..."


Me, Noah, and Reek are in reek's car and waiting outside of what looks like a very, very expensive place. Me in the back seat, Noah in the passenger seat, and Reek in the drivers seat.

"You know sweetheart, you could always sit up here, on my lap" reek says to me and winks

"No thanks, I'd rather sit on spikes" I say, jokingly of course but also a little serious

'I can't believe me and Noah are actually doing something like this' I think to myself. Reek is having me and Noah steal a car from this place, and I don't know how or why im here but I am. Apparently, Reek says that I need to be here because im stealthy and can help Noah out. I don't know why I agreed to this but hey, we do kinda need the money, for Kris, I mean what about his hospitality bills? If we could sell this car then we could pay them off and he could actually get the help he needs and deserves...

My thoughts are cut short by Noah having a little panic about the Job and Reek trying to calm him down by offering a twizzler and I roll my eyes

"Noah, relax, if we get this car, we could sell it, then use the money for Kris, so he can actually get the hell me needs. Plus we are already here now so might as well" I say, at least trying to calm my brother down. I don't know if it worked but Noah was ready now.

Me and Noah walk sneak into the place and reek talks to use through the ear buds. As we walk through the building Noah talks to the staff like they're friends but I stay quiet

"Hey, y/n, after this why don't we uh...get our own place...just the two of us" Reek says over the ear buds and I can practically hear his wink

"Yeah, and then later we can braid each other's hair and paint out nails pink and match!" I say with a sarcastic and enthusiastic voice

Me and Noah finally get to the garage where the car is and we walk around trying to find it. Eventually we do but I can help but think... it's looks so familiar...I'm sure I've seen it somewhere.. but where? ... wait a minute- it kinda looks like how Mirage does in his car form, but that impossible, I'm sure some rich guy just likes the design... I'm sure of it. Anyway, Noah breaks into the car, but here's the thing, when he tries to get in the car locks up. Noah tries for a long time and eventually I get tired and break into the passenger side, and surprisingly for me, the car doesn't lock up when I open the door. So I get in the car and as much as I should probably help's kinda funny to see this. As noah keeps struggling, and me giggling at him, I also look around the car to see how it looks inside. It's a nice ass car, I feel bad for whoever just abandoned it.

I hear another voice that's not Noah's or Reek's...
Someone caught us.. the man is yelling at us to get out and away from the car and Noah just tried even more to get in the car. I try my best to help him out but no avail.

"Come on.... Please! Please car!" I mutter to myself, and surprisingly the car lets Noah in (author: ik that Noah actually did a smart thing with the lock but for the story he didn't)

Noah gets in the car and starts to try and hot wire the car to get it going. I frantically look back at where the man is and he's walking faster towards us and yelling at us to get out

"Fuck we shouldn't be doing this..." Noah says

"No shit, Sherlock Homes! What other case are you gonna solve? The case where there's a fucking security guard after us!?" I ask sarcastically, and I apologize for the cussing but it happens when I get nervous or anxious.

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