Chapter 15: Trouble

Start from the beginning

"What about?" I sat down on my bed, Eevee putting her head on my waist to have me stroke her awake.

"You and Natsu getting together. Both of you were holding hands, and you were confessing to him..."

"That is NOT what you dreamt!" I yelled, my face red as a tomato.

She laughed. "I'm kidding!"

I looked away, my heart beating a hundred miles an hour. If anything Lucy, you should be the one getting with Natsu... I thought, remembering how she looked at him at times that he spoke out for his guild among other things. The look in her eyes made me jealous, but I also understood why.

"You know Lucy," I started. She stopped laughing then. "From what I've seen, you seem to be the closest to Natsu. Maybe you have feelings for him too?" I mocked evilly. It was still an assumption though.

This time she turned beet red. "What?! No way! Not to him!"

"Oh, come on! I've seen the way you look at him! You liiiiiike him-" I gave her a Happy impression.

"Shut up, cat, or you're gonna get hurt!" She pointed a finger at me, and we both stared at each other for another minute. Then we started to giggle hysterically like it was all so stupid.

That's when Eevee stood up with her ears twitching. I felt it, and quit laughing immediately. "What is it, Eevee?" Her stance scared me. Something was wrong.

Lucy quit laughing as well, and that's when the door slammed open. Gray was in his underwear with a shocked look on his face. "We have a problem!"

"Gray, put some clothes on!" Lucy shielded her eyes.

"No time! There's been an attack on the guild!"

"What?!" Lucy yelled. "What do you mean an attack?"

"The whole guild hall is in ruins, and a bunch of guild members are injured! Even Natsu was too weak for them!"

With no more questions asked, Lucy and I quickly got dressed and sprinted to the guild.


I was horrified at what I saw.

The entire guild was torn to shreds, and there was barely any building left. All I could see was the back wall. "What...happened?" I whispered as tears of horror dripped down my cheek.

"An enemy guild happened," Papa walked up to us. "We didn't even know what hit us."

"Why would they do this?!" Lucy asked.

"We don't know," Makarov answered. "But I fear it has something to do with Elena."

"Me?" I pointed to myself.

He nodded. "Cana!" Papa called, and a girl with a bikini top and jeans with wavy brown hair walked over. "Show her the note."

Cana stepped up to me, unfolding a piece of paper. I took it, feeling Eevee's concern for what I was about to read. I swallowed my fear, and moved my eyes across the paper.

We know who you are. And what your friends can do. Bring them and come to this location. Alone.

It ended with a map and x and a frightening looking emblem shaped like a heart torn in half. I folded up the paper. "Who are they?" I asked.

"Not sure," Cana said. "No one's ever seen that emblem before."

I knew exactly what they wanted. "They want my Pokémon. I have to go alone."

"No way!" Lucy countered. My hair swished as my head moved to look at her. "They destroyed the whole guild hall! This is our fight. Besides, there's no way we would let you go alone."

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