The Ex

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The first time Karina watched the CCTV footage of Winter's panic attack at the headquarters, she assumed the guy had mistaken Winter for someone else. She hadn't been paying attention to Winter's reaction since she assumed she was shaken by the panic attack, not the man. Now, Karina cataloged everything about the encounter. Winter was clearly shaken and when the guy finally stopped his pursuit, he looked heartbroken.

Welcome to the club, fucker.

That's how Karina felt the first time Winter left... and the second time.

What had Mark said to make the ex stop dead in his tracks?

Karina wanted to know every word that was said, but it wouldn't cool her rage. She was already dangerously close to hunting the bastard down and making sure he didn't see the next sunrise. She could already imagine the warm, slow drip of the worthless bastard's blood on her hands. She should have sent Mark back to Seattle to finish the job years ago.

Giselle rubbed her face against Karina's shoulder, bringing her back to herself. Winter wouldn't leave her, but that look of remorse on her wife's face made her soul feel as if it was being shredded. Karina had done everything possible to redeem herself for past sins, but now fear and panic were coursing through her. In the past, her only competition had been herself and now... Now, the only man on the planet Winter had feelings for had surfaced and caused Winter to feel... what? What if Winter tried to leave her for the normal guy?

Karina clicked on her email and read the report on Jake Sim.

Sim was five foot nine, one hundred and eighty pounds with black hair and brown eyes. Graduated from the University of Washington with degrees in Computer Science, Business and Computer Engineering. He made eighty five thousand a year, paid his taxes and spent a lot of time traveling for work. He was the only child of Jack and Maureen Sim who lived in Washington and were retired college professors. Has Winter met his parents? Karina sneered at the screen. This guy didn't even have a parking ticket. Sim had never been in a car accident, arrested for public intoxication or been late on his fucking rent. He had no debt and made some investments that were doing fucking splendid.

If Karina killed the underground leader, she could give Winter what she wanted. Every time she came home, she dreaded the inevitable question: Any leads? Did you find the bastard? There was no trace of the fucker. Why would this bastard scale an all out attack on her family, mutilate Ryujin and put twisted leaders in positions of power only to disappear when Karina showed up to reclaim her title? It didn't make sense. She wanted to believe the underground leader was dead, but life never handed anything to her gift wrapped. The bastard was out there, biding their time. For what? For another chance at Winter? Fuck that.

"Ma, ma, ma," Giselle chanted.

Karina kissed her daughter on the forehead and walked out of the office. She could hear the distant murmur of Winter and Yizhuo talking in the dining room. They spent everyday with one another and still managed to find gossip to talk about.

Karina climbed the stairs and headed to Giselle's nursery with Rocky on her heels. She sat in a rocking chair and settled Giselle against her chest. She rubbed her face against Karina's shirt and fussed a little. When Karina put her hand on Giselle's back, she calmed instantly. Karina rocked back and forth, staring straight ahead.

The fact that Winter ordered her to go back into the underworld lifted a weight from Karina's shoulders. It saved her from breaking her promises to Winter. Winter knew Karina was a killer and still welcomed her home with open arms even though her hands were still wet from washing off the blood.

Karina stroked a hand down Giselle's small back. They were a family. They were happy, right? Uncertainty gnawed at her. The urge to dominate and control warred with her need to give Winter what she wanted. When Giselle was asleep, Karina settled her in the crib. Rocky got to his feet to greet someone. Karina didn't need to turn to know who entered the room.

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