Prologue (updated)

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Rimuru POV:

I was floating it seemed, a sensation I was all too familiar with, death. My physical body was just obliterated by velgrynd. How did it come to this you may ask? Well, it started about 2 months ago.

I found tempest in ashes, Veldora's connection with me was shattered, all the while Rudra had me under his "regalia dominion" at the palace. He had forced me to unveil my barrier from covenant king Uriel, and due to him wielding it before immediately recognized the skill and activated his "regalia dominion'. I killed, Benimaru, Shion, and diablo, in the 2 hours it took to regain control over my angelic skills.

While locked in a stalemate with diablo, obeying my order to, "Kill your subordinates", Veldora broke the spud corridor. The events after that were blurry. I realized I could use Belzebuth to stop the control over Raphael, so I did. Regaining control over it i began asking it how to break Uriel's control.

{Raphael-san, thank goodness that worked} I sighed to myself in relief as my plan had worked.

{I'm sorry I let myself be controlled like that master.} Rahael said in an apologetic voice, differing from her normal emotionlessness.

{It's fine, there was no way for us to know that the thought influencing was based off of angelic skills. don't beat yourself up} I say in a comforting tone, knowing that this was my fault in the first place.

{Master your thoughts are still being influenced by "Ultimate skill Covenant King Uriel} Raphael says to me after analyzing why even with it free I'm still compelled to stay here.

{Ah, start looking for a way to fix it. I cannot let another person close to me die today.} I say to Ciel, as I look down at the bodies of Benimaru, Shion, and Souei.

"Beelzebub, I'm sorry Benimaru, Shion, Souei, rest inside me" I mutter to myself as I consume their bodies.

(A/N, Diablo's not actually dead, but the magicules and body he had in the material world were consumed by Rimuru during his control under "regalia dominion", and since it was stated, Diablo rivaled even him at this point Rimuru's EP essentially doubled. which is why he's able to name Raphael's ego, Ciel here)

{Raphael, you seem more human than usual}

{That's just your imagination}

{Yeah... yeah..., But I don't think i should keep calling you Raphael anymore , as that's the name of the skill, not you, it's like calling a human, Human-san right.}

{What are you rambling about master} Raphael said in a confused voice, still very busy over the analysis on the control circiut.

{I'm saying I should name you, Ciel, It's a derivative of the word Oshieru, because you teach me things} I say, coming up with the name on the spot. I feel a draining sensation as the magicules i just got by consuming diablo, were funneled to allow the naming of Ciel.

(A/N: VotW shenanigans, I'm not writing allat)

Nearly immediately after Ciel's evolution, I get a response. {Synthesizing, the skills "Wisdom lord Raphael," "Covenant King Uriel," "Lord of Gluttony Belzebuth", and "Storm Dragon Veldora", will allow me to remove the control circuits on all of your skills. Y/N}

{yes} I respond not knowing what overhaul to my skills Ciel is about to make.

From there I obtained "Void God Azazoth", and "Harvest Lord, Shub-Niggurath".

I Unleashed nuclear magic on the empire's palace, and teleported home, only to find what could only be referred to as a massacre. Velgrynd and veldora had rampaged through the city on command of Rudra destroying nearly everything. My subordinates who didn't come with me, were killed, at the hands of the single digits, or velgrynd's parallel existence.

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