-" Chilly "- ☁️>🥀

Start from the beginning

Ghost digits graze over the fully heal tattoo with tears in his eyes. Warm droplets falling onto the tiles and mixing with the cold. His fingers press onto three remaining tattoos surrounding the emblem. A lit cigar, A ball cap, and a little roach.

He chokes on his breath but calms almost immediately at the faint feeling of a pat on the chest paired with the smell of tobacco and ash that wafts through the air.

"Thanks, Cap." The blond nods and finishes rinsing out the remaining shampoo in his hair before turning off the faucet. He steps out of the shower and quickly brushes his curls, just to get the knots out.

Ghost drys himself and neatly hangs the wet fabric on a shower hook. He shuffles over to his sink and brushes the taste of tar out of his mouth, spitting into the sink and looking up into the mirror.

"You are going to nail this confession. He is going to love you back and the car ride there won't be awkward at all." Ghost assures himself and nods with a smirk as he walks off to bed.

Come morning, The Brit is up at the ass crack of dawn, making sure he has everything. Water, snacks, the sandwiches he was going to bring, and even some Tylenol just in case he gets a headache.

Ghost throws on a nice shirt, a jacket, and a pair of gray sweatpants. He slides on a pair of black tennis shoes and stands still for a moment, soaking in courage. Being fully dressed, he grabs his hiking bag and just waits. He sits silently in his chair as time ticks by agonizingly slowly.

Then, the door bell rings. Ghost shoots up out of his chair and rushes to the door. He hastily slings his bag onto his back and straightens up before answering the door.

"Simon! Hey, you ready to go?" Soap is absolutely beaming, strangely excited for it being so early in the morning. His smile is contagious, urging even Ghost to crack a slight smirk.

"Yup, all ready to go." The blond nods and steps outside, being met with a cool breeze. The gravel of Ghost's driveway crunches and crackles under their feet as the walked to Soap' vehicle. The two hop into Soap's blue jeep and speed off.

The car ride is far from quiet. The Scott turns on some music and sings along to the songs almost the whole way. Ghost mutters the words along with Soap, not wanting to be too loud or annoying for the brunette.

It was a short time before they arrive to their destination. Ghost is met with a frigid breeze against his eyes, the rest of his face covered by his mask and hood. Soap, on the other hand, only has a thin long sleeve shirt on and shivers a bit.

"You cold, John?" Ghost watched the Scott as he trembles as he grabs both of their backpacks. The blond quickly takes his own bag from Soap and just waits for a response.

"No, no. I'm fine, it's just a bit... chilly." Soap smiles reassuringly and slides on his own bag before slamming shut the car's door and locking it. Ghost sighs and starts walking alongside the eager brunette.

They walk for about half hour before Ghost notices Soap shivering more often. The Scott is constantly rubbing his arms to stay warm and his ears and nose are bright red from the cold.

"Let's take a break, I'm starting to get a bit hungry." Ghost walks over to a small, flat area on the soft grass and pats it with his foot. The blond pulls a large, patchwork blanket out of his backpack and lays it out on the ground.

"Y-yeah. I'm hungry too." Soap smiles and sits down, his eyes watering and his nose was starting to get sniffly. Ghost notices these things and takes off his thick hoodie, offering it to the shivering male.

"Simon, I don't need your hoodie. You'll get cold and I don't want-." The brunette is silenced by Ghost forcing the hoodie onto him. Soap is stunned and goes to take the black cloth off but is stopped by the warm feeling it gives. He straightens out the oversized clothing and cuddles into it.

"You didn't need to do that..." Soap huffs and glances away, blushing very faintly. Ghost chuckles and drags two sandwiches and a bag of Ruffles out of his backpack, poutine flavored, just for the Scott.

"My favorite crisps! You remembered?" Ghost nods and pushes the bag towards Soap, who greedily snatches them up and opens the bag. The brunette looks like a kid on Christmas, scarfing down the potato chips happily.

"Of course I remembered. Just like how I remembered to bring..." Ghost turns and stuffs his hands back down into the backpack, pulling out two Cool Blue gatorades, Soap's favorite flavor.

Just as Ghost turns around and sets the drinks down, out of the corner of his eye he catches Soap sniffing the inside of his hoodie, smiling happily, eyes closed. The blond smirks and pushes one of the drinks towards Soap, who then pokes his head back out of the clothing.

"I wasn't doing anything." Soap whispers with a slight blush on his face. Ghost just giggles and shakes his head before taking his mask off and setting it to the side. Soap's eyes widen as he admires the scarred man's face, his gaze settling on Ghost's lips.

"Listen... Johnny, I- we've know eachother for a long while now and... I think I may have grown- I have feelings for you." Ghost bows his head slightly and looks at the brunette through his long, blond lashes. The Brit closes his eyes in anticipation, his heartbeat faster than ever.

Ghost hears some shuffling on the blanket and suddenly, something is on his lap. The blond nervously opens his eyes, just in time to see as Soap leans in and kisses him.

Ghost's first reaction is to put one hand on Soap's lower back and the other behind his head Ghost couldn't bring himself to break the kiss, so it kept going... and going.

The two finally break apart when they hear shuffling further down on the trail. Soap quickly skitters off of Ghost's lap and back into his spot on the opposite side of the picnic blanket.

The blond is left scrambling for any brain cells he can find that didn't shut down the moment Soap's lips touched his. Ghost's face quickly flushes red once his brain finally processes what just happened.

"Christ, Simon. Did I break you just with a kiss?" Soap giggles and he sits back to watch the dots visibly connect in Ghost's head. Once the Brit finally processed things, he blinks slowly and he speaks.

"You like me too?" Ghost's eyes widen and he smiles. The blond looks at Soap with hopeful eyes and the Scott laughs. Ghost feels a pang of disappointment until Soap speaks.

"Of course I love ya! I've been droppin' hints this past while!" The brunette grabs one of Ghost's hands and holds it gently. The Brit, on the other hand, has shut down. It's like you can physically see the gears turning in his head as his face heats up even more.

"Ah. I see." That's the only thing Ghost can get out before he resets again, going back to silent-flustered mode. Soap goes back to eating, listening for when the Blond finally reboots



Sorry this took so long, Thanksgiving is always a mess for me. I hope you enjoy this fluff!

Your writer, Raven

Word Count: 2471

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