-" Needy..."- Pt. 2 ☁️

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Morning after

3rd person PoV:

Soap slowly stirred to a knock on Ghost's door. The knock was Price basically saying that they needed to get up and hurry their asses up. Even though technically Price only meant Ghost, not knowing Soap was in there too.

"Shit... Simon, c'mon, up." Soap gently shook Ghost awake as he scrambled out of bed. The brunette grabbed his shirt, boxers and sweatpants.

Ghost's eyes slowly fluttered open and he saw just how quickly Soap was getting dressed. The Brit shot up in bed, regretting so instantly as a sharp pain shot up from his tail bone to his neck.

"Damn it, you really went hard last night..." Ghost carefully got out of bed, making sure not to hit his hips wrong. Soap, meanwhile, kept just throwing on his clothes.

"Well, I aim to please. Anyway, see you in a bit darling." Soap rushed out of Ghost's room as stealthily as he could, being seen by Price and a few employees.

After Soap and Ghost had gotten dressed, they headed down to breakfast to find Price drinking tea and reading a book and Gaz hunched over a third cup of black coffee, clutching the cup like it just insulted his mom.

"Hey guys... how did y'all sleep?" Soap asked innocently, as if he didn't just rail his partner last night, the same blond who towered over the men around him just now.

"I slept quiet good. It was quiet, and I read a book before going to sleep." Price smiled and sat down his book, taking off his reading glasses and taking a sip of his tea.

The Soap and Ghost gazes shifted to Gaz, who looked like he wanted to strangle the two. The young Brit chugged his coffee and slammed the cup down before looking off into the distance and speaking in a monotone voice.

"Speak for yourself, I had to listen to these two shag for a good 15 minutes."

Soap froze and so did Ghost, Price nearly spit out his tea. Gaz looked back down at the table in sorrow.

"You guys owe me a few coffees... and therapy."


Tried to publish this quickly, just for you guys ❤️.

Your writer, Raven

Word Count: 371

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