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Everyone stands as Chyna crouches in front of you with the biggest smile as she pulls out a ring. You tear up before giggling and grabbing the small box you hid under the radio and pulling out another ring making everyone cheer, scream, and cry in joy as you both say yes and sharing a tender kiss before putting the rings on and hugging each other tightly laughing when everyone huddles around the two of you in a group hug "I knew there was a reason you both had me go looking at jewelry!" everyone laughs loudly at the comment made by Rey before you take pictures and celebrate as a family, you are pulled aside by Edge after sipping on champagne with everyone "I'm happy for both of you and so proud of you" you smile with tears as he pulls you in a warm hug giggling when he gently rubs your head while he calls you baby sister before walking back to everyone else. You all enjoy the evening and celebrating before heading to bed, the two of you go to your mom's home where your three older siblings were as well and announce the news leaving your family in joy as they hug you and chyna instantly and officially welcoming her to the small but unconditionally loving family and calling her family only earning support from her sister who was so happy for the two of you, you both decide the next monday night raw was when you would announce the news to your fans together feeling nervous about the reactions knowing and having experienced homophobia but the two of you weren't going to let it destroy what the two of you had built and formed with each other within this amount of time that you have known each other and took the risk of exploring the feelings you had, you cheer on your friends during their matches before heading out together for your tag team match against Ivory and Sable each of you giving the other a run for their money until you and chyna won and became tag team champions grabbing a mic. "Now as all of you know, me and this extraordinary woman Chyna are together and for the past two weeks, there has been a change and we have a surprise for all of you" you hold each other's hands and raise them up showing the engagement rings and the pictures being shown on the titantron, the crowd is a mix of screams, cheers, yells, whistles, shouts, and chants of "Chyna and Lavender", "Mamacita and Mi amour", and "Love is love" not even hearing boos or any bad reactions as the two of you walk hand in hand backstage with your titles on your shoulders before being swarmed by your friends in hugs and cheers before being congratulated by other wrestlers even both shockingly and surprisingly Triple H and the three McMahons who always caused trouble for you and your friends but you both smile anyway as you share a hug with Linda McMahon before raw is over and the two of you celebrate your win with your friends and finally celebrate both the win and your engagement with each other alone.

I'll hold you up above everyone Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora