Payback and celebrating

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You smile as you walk out next to Edge and Chyna along with Rey and Eddie in a ten person tag team match, you stare down Stephanie as she stands outside of the ring before the match officially begins starting with eddie in the ring against X-Pac cheering loudly as eddie gets good hits in before tagging chyna in and she goes against Tori who definitely had pushed her welcome earning the beatdown chyna gives her until she tags rey in for a quick tag team move before tori crawls away and tags Shane McMahon in, rey wobbly walks and tags in edge who quickly spears Triple H and goes to town before tagging you in with a wicked smile which you return as stephanie shakes her head out of the ring before chyna sneaks behind and throws her in the ring where you see red and instantly prove how good of a athlete and competitor you are. You smile as you tag eddie in, you had come up with an idea for a tag team move with all of you not just with one person leading multiple great ideas all placed into one crazy wonderful plan that you were all ready to execute when the time came and boy did it come quickly after eddie drop kicks tori, the five you put the plan into motion starting with you crouching front of the ropes allowing rey to use your shoulders as extra leverage to jump and land on x-pac immediately running to eddie where you both drop kick then heel twist shane followed by you running in the corner where edge puts you on his shoulders where he throws you to land on tori and immediately push her for a spear quickly nodding at chyna who picks you up and throws you onto a terrified stephanie immediately using your special move called a spinning drop, you grab stephanie and wrap all your limbs against hers slowly spinning around before letting her go mid spin and land in a ball on top of her making her scream before sliding back in the ring forming a circle around a bleeding and dazed triple h smiling at each other with glints of revenge in all your eyes. You all take turns kicking him before you all run jumping on the ropes by each other to build up speed before interlocking all your arms together and performing one part of your special moves into one making the crowd give a standing ovation as you all announced winners and head backstage, as the adrenaline and energy slowly calms in all of you after earning many congratulations from other wrestlers backstage leaving and celebrating together with drinks and dinner having a wonderful time with everyone even laughing on the floor holding onto a tipsy rey and giggling edge while watching a clearly drunk eddie sing in Spanish slurring all of his words who had to be picked up and taken home by his nephew Chavo cheering when Lita, Christian, and Mick join you in your celebration. You are confused when chyna grabs you and pulls you with her where the two of you dance and have the greatest time even forgetting about your friends at the bar watching the two of you noticing how you suddenly turn bright red when chyna tells you something "Maybe you can dance more but without prying eyes" you feel your brain short circuit by her low voice whispering in your ear making your face heat up as you look at her "Are..are you flirting with me?" you show a shy smile as she walks back to the bar sipping on her margarita while you take a huge drink of your wine until edge pulls you aside "You did great out there but i can see the self doubt...don't let it eat away at you it will cripple you for the rest of your life" you smile with tears in your eyes as he smiles back at you pulling you into a hug.

I'll hold you up above everyone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora