First match

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You turn to see Chyna next to you standing in front of you gently rubbing your shoulders and arms. She slowly talks to you and has you follow her breathing patterns which made you feel better as you followed the way she breathed until you were both laughing as you talked after changing into your ring gear as you wait for your match with Trish, you cheer watching chyna in her match with Ivory running out and hugging her in the ring after she was announced winner, the action surprised her and warmed her heart in a way she never felt towards someone in her life but she ignores it and hugs you back and earning support from her friends and coworkers backstage but immediately going to find you after celebrating even letting Eddie hug her which she only let him do once way before the two really became friends until Rey became friends with eddie and chyna separately before slowly pushing the two to each other where they both realized despite their differences they can also be good friends for themselves and each other. You stretch one final time as you see trish walk out to the ring before your theme song starts, you walk down with chyna by your side and standing ringside as you walk in and the match starts with trish trying to grab you by your hair but you dodged and threw her into the ropes doing a drop kick as chyna cheers loudly while you prove yourself and fans immediately loved you, there is cheers throughout the whole arena when you pin trish and win the match crying as you hold your title being lifted up in a hug with chyna before walking backstage and earning support from everyone else backstage and smile when you are told that you would have a tag team match with chyna and eddie the next week. You have a strange but wonderful feeling of feeling like you belonged within a group of people for the very first time as you are hugged by rey and walk to shower and change out of your ring gear to go out and celebrate with chyna, rey, eddie, and a few other wrestlers even earning a proper congratulations from the McMahons which never happened unless you were agreeing to a match that would be hell on earth or doing favors of making other wrestlers miserable which happened to quote a few of the wrestlers you've met and gotten to know within this short amount of time, you take pictures on your camera in between and during the night of celebration with your newfound and amazing friends who were truly proud of and happy for you already being a force to reckon with in the ring while still being a kind and humble person to others outside of the ring which makes chyna like you even more than already did within this short amount of time not knowing how much the feelings and thoughts she would have of you would change with time.

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