I trust you already

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Chyna smiles seeing you share a hug with Lita before going up to Rey, a few people decided to have a small cookout at the park consisting of herself, Eddie, rey, Matt, lita, Edge, Trish, Jeff, Rikishi, Kane, Undertaker, and now you. She feels a wave of pure childlike joy wash over her as she watches you talk with edge, noticing the sibling like bond between the two of you that had formed in a short amount of time until you smile and share a hug with her making her laugh sweetly as the two of you talk to each other with rey, eddie, and edge joining the conversation while undertaker cooked on the grill noticing how no one really talked to him slowly walking to him and standing a few feet away showing a small smile when he looks over and sees you sitting on the ground fixing your shoe. You start talking to him which confuses him and surprises everyone when they notice it feeling afraid when they see him lean towards you until his hand was gently patting the top of your head making you giggle happily and smile at the tall man who only smiles back at you with a chuckle as he grills while the two of you talk to each other as of you had been friends for years as The rock, Mick Foley, Ivory, and Torrie Wilson arrived and each are in shock of seeing you rather than being grabbed and thrown instead being gently lifted by kane who puts you on his shoulders making everyone stare in shock until edge breaks the silence "You having fun up there?" he laughs as he sees the childlike awe and joy on your face as kane walks around the park carrying you "What just happened?" everyone looks at mick with many different looks while mick raises his hands in surrender as you laugh while kane walks back with you still on his shoulders. Everyone hangs out and talks while eating with you sitting in between edge and chyna while undertaker and kane were across from you, after eating you walk around the park you hear Triple H and wave at him until suddenly Stephanie slaps you with all her might knocking you on the ground as you yell out in pain alerting everyone who come running seeing kane and taker choke slam triple h and letting edge spear him while lita and trish go to town on stephanie before handing her to ivory and torrie as you look above you to see chyna, you groan in pain as she lifts you up and checks you luckily you were only bruised and sore as rey hands you ice packs to lay on while chyna sits next to you comforting you when you cried in pain or confusion of why you were attacked by the husband and wife duo, "I'm gonna make sure they pay" she holds your head in her lap as you lay in pain until she starts massaging your scalp which has you slowly dozing off "I never felt this safe with someone before" she smiles as the two of you talk quietly "I never trusted anyone as much as I trust you already". Eddie looks on at the sweet moment before calling Vince and asking if they not only could have a match against triple h and steph but a ten person tag team match in two teams of five and he immediately agrees deciding on your team being of yourself, chyna, edge, rey, and eddie going against triple h, stephanie, X-Pac, Shane, and Tori immediately telling the two boys before going up to seen you asleep in chyna's lap telling her about their upcoming match, later on after waking up you look to see Christian next to you "Why lavender?" you look up at him and smile fondly "It's different, what I learned from watching wrestling before I started training was each person has their own identity, and no matter the name there is always an incredible person behind the name" he smiles before you follow up "Plus it is the first thing I came up with...Natalie Lavender is my ring name" you get emotional explaining how you chose the first name for your sister who had passed and you wanted to honor her knowing she would be by your side cheering you on sharing a hug with chyna when she brings you tissues.

I'll hold you up above everyone Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt