Beach date

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The day was bright, beautiful, and exciting as you park your car and run to Chyna who stands on the boardwalk. The two of you decided to have another date this time at the beach and you were on cloud nine as you sit together and tan for the first hour until you both rid yourselves of your bathing suit covers feeling your heart stopping seeing just how beautiful her body was and couldn't help but take your eyes over he body until your eyes locked on her's, "See we had the same idea" you blush noticing how she looked at your body before you run off to the water squealing at the chill up your spine as she joins you in the water swimming for awhile until the two of you dry of and slowly walk down the beach hand in hand laughing and smiling bigger than either of you had since the first date you had two weeks earlier giggling when she stops and lifts you in her arms. After walking down all of the beach and back, the two of you grab food nearby and eat while sitting on your towels watching the sun go down and the moonlight reflect over the ocean before you both head to your house showering separately and enjoy cold soda and cookies while watching Only you and enjoying the quietness together until she heads home but half an hour later she texts and asks if she can stay the night with you after Chris Jericho came to her house and tried to get her to take him back but she immediately tells him to leave which he does but says he will be back agreeing and you wait on your porch until she parks and hugs you before you walked back inside, despite her laying on the couch you lead her hand in hand and you both sleep in your bed. You wake up the next morning with your head on her chest, limbs tangled together, and arms wrapped around each other feeling your heart flutter as you enjoy the quietness and being close to her until she wakes up and both of you have breakfast smiling when you invite Edge in who smiles in surprise seeing chyna in your kitchen "Hey lovely how did yesterday go ladies? And by the way we thought jericho to quit being a dick" you both look at him in confusion and surprise before he explains that he, Rey, and Eddie found him outside chyna's apartment quickly telling him to knock it off even giving him a few scrapes, you both smile before explaining the day before as he smiles seeing by the way you looked at each other that there was more blooming between you two even more than it already had.

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