Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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Red's POV:

I finally land down in front of his house and I unlock the door as I grabbed his house key after going through his backpack before we left. I walk in the house and look around to see if anyone was here. After a few minutes of searching, I realize that it was just us in the house. I then go upstairs to look for his bedroom. I bet it's as cute as he is. I walk in to the door on my right and I look around and I was right. I see a lot of drawings in his room and pictures of what I think is his family. I then see his bed and lay him down on it and covering him with a blanket. Realizing that my family is out at the hospital to help prepare my dad for his chemo treatment, I decided to go downstairs to the living room and work on the English homework the teacher gave us today. It was a creative writing assignment where we had to write a story about a alternate ending for Romeo and Juliet. I was already half way done since I love Romeo and Juliet. 

One hour later

I finished my work and was on my phone when I heard the door open. I look up and see a young woman who has white hair, wolf ears and a tail and is dressed in a outfit that looks like you always see in magazines. Judging by her wolf features, I'm betting this is either the sister or cousin that Luke told me about. "Hi", I said to her. She must have not noticed me as she flinches and turns around to see me and says, "Oh hi! I didn't see you there. Are you one of my brother's friends, and if so, why aren't you or him in school?" I sigh and say, "Well let me introduce myself first. Yes I'm his friend. My name is Red and I just moved here a block away from here. Long story short is that Luke joined a band and so did I a day before him and kids were bulling him and he couldn't handle it so I brought him home and he's sleeping right now in his room." She sighs and sits down next to me and says, "I can't believe it's not stopping. All the bullying he has been through. I'm so done with it all. Oh by the way, I'm his older sister Hikari. He's been through a lot since he was born. But the breaking point was when he was the most scared and most broken. And me and Eva wasn't expecting it." As she says that, a young woman with white and purple hair and wolf ears and a tail wearing a fall outfit walked in and saw us and said, "I only have two questions. Is this the girl Luke told us about and if that is so, is she part of why I got a call from the high school half a hour ago?" Hikari nods at her and answers back saying, "Yes. This is her. Red this is my cousin Eva and she is also Luke's legal guardian." I nod and say, "Nice to meet you. Something happened at school so I brought him home. But what happened with him and the breaking point?" Eva sighs and says, "You should know so I'll explain. But you might cry after this, as we will too."

Flashback to four years ago, Luke's POV:

I walked home in the rain, scared of today. Today was not only my birthday, but the day that my mom passed away. Everyday I blame myself for it. My dad blames me for it for me everyday with his abuse and yelling. My dad told me to be ready after school and I know it's something bad. I saw my house, my heart beating rapidly as I got closer and closer to the door. I saw him in the window, looking out so I knew I couldn't turn around and run away. I opened the door and walked into the house. I went into the living room as he was looking outside from the window in that room. My dad turned around to look at me and my nerves went up as I saw a drink in his hand with empty bottles on the floor. He was drunk and fueled with anger. "Do you know what today is?" I just nod. "Use your words!! Do you know what today is?!" I flinch at his loud voice and started to get more scared. "Y-yes sir. I-I do know", I managed to stutter out to him. "And that is what?" I look down with tears rolling down my cheeks and say, "M-my birthday and Mom's death." He growls and says, "That's right! Now let me tell you what's going to happen today. Today is where you're gonna pay fully." He grabs my arm tightly and drags me to the basement.

⚠ Trigger Warning: Abuse. Please skip if you're not comfortable with this ⚠

I get slammed down into the floor hard. I tried to run away but he grabs me easily and slams me against the wall, making me fall. He looks at me and says, "I let you go on too long with this. But no more. You thought you felt my wrath? Well you're gonna feel real pain today! You're the reason why your mother is gone! Why my wife is gone!" He then kicks me in my stomach, making me groan in pain. "You are the biggest burden in this family! I think everyone wished you were gone!" He punches me in my face and my vision starts to get blurry from how hard it was. As I try to get up, he would kick my leg, making me fall down once again. He then started punching and kicking me with every bit of strength he has. And I know he wouldn't stop anytime soon. So I just let it happened, knowing I couldn't fight back and I passed out shortly after.

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