Part 23: Quick Break to Earth

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He wouldn't let them suffer like that, not like he did when he was a child before Angela even came into the picture, before the kids were even born. Though, Lance was a teen mother when they were born, and not willingly, he didn't believe in abortion because why kill innocent life for the misdeed of one or both parents actions? He hated how innocent lives often got thrown into the mix. Much like Zarkon's tyrant reign that was happening right now. He would have to push it aside right now, he needed to get to Earth, he had too. He doesn't know how long they've been gone, he doesn't know if the Garrison claimed them dead- which he hopes they didn't- he doesn't know what was happening to the kids at this very moment. So he needed to go back, check on them or bring them to space but there was a major problem in that idea.

Space was a battlefield, and having innocent children on that battlefield is not something Lance wanted for them to experience, especially for their age right now. But at the same time... Yjok could use the kids against him, so it made him think and agree all the more reason that he needed to go back and at least make sure they're still alive and well. If he had to go alone, then he would. He needed to check on the kids, and maybe even bring some stuff back for the others, especially Pidge. With her period probably coming up soon or something and all that.

As he let his thoughts wander, wondering how he'll get to Earth. Maybe he could take Blue or a Pod, but how would he even get there? He can't activate the Teludav and honestly, he didn't even know the location of where their current position was in Space, so how would he get there, not be seen and not die in the process? No clue. Thinking of the lions, Blue and the others coddled him as they talked about an idea, while it wasn't weird anymore that he could hear all of the lions in his head it was still so different than what he was truthfully familiar with. They conversed different ideas and theories and as Lance left the room, grabbing his satchel and his armor and bayard, thinking hee wouldn't be gone long, Keith woke up at the feeling of weight getting off the bed and the hissing sound of the door to the room. "Lance?" Lance froze, glancing to Keith as he was halfway out the door. "Oh, you woke up?" Keith wasn't going to stop him... was he? "Where are you going? And with your bag" he sat up, and Lance fidgeted, "Lance, where are you going. You aren't leaving Voltron, are you?" Lance shook his head quickly, "No, no, no, no, I'm not leaving Voltron! I just... uh... " So how does one explain that he's going to Earth for an important mission. Well, personal important mission.

Keith raised a brow at him, raising his knee to rest his elbow on as he looked expectantly at his mate. Lance deflated.

"I'm going to Earth...." Keith blinked.

"Earth? Our home planet Earth? That Earth?" Lance tilted his head to the side, "There's another Earth?"

Well, no, there wasn't but Lance was missing the point.

"No. I'm talking about Earth, where we're from" Oh, "Well, uh... I.. I need to go back, not for very long but it's important, really important. Plus, I could grab some things, including some stuff for Pidge and her female thingies" Lance explained. "Lance, you can't just leave Voltron. We'd have no way to form Voltron, and we aren't even anywhere close to the Milky way" Keith told him, getting out of bed as the coldness of the metal floor made him shiver slightly as he walked over to Lance who was still in the doorway. "I know that, but I have to go! It's important," he argued with him, he had to go to Earth and check on the kids and make sure the siblings he cared for and were still alive, were alive.

"Okay then tell me, tell me what's really important leading to the fact that your leaving and you can't make a wormhole," Red batted Keith's mental state with a huff as Lance pursed his lips, Keith mentally sent Red a glare as her tail flicked around behind her and she sat on her bum looking at him. "Keith, I have to go. I need to check on some people, aside from that and grabbing some items, that's all I'm leaving for" Lance told him, "What people? We don't want the Galra to go back to Earth after we'd left the planet and taken the Galra cruiser with us" Lance sighed, "My family... I have to know if the ones I care about are still alive, my father knows that people I care for are my weakness so he uses that against me, like he did with Veronica when I was a kid. There's two kids and three adults, I can't just keep thinking somethings wrong if I don't check on them now. We have the time to do so since we haven't been attacked in the last couple days nor have we had any signs of distress beacons. Please Keith, I have to go to Earth" Keith pursed his own lips.

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