Chapter 9

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"Does everyone have their passports?" Sejin asked when he came to the dorm early in the morning. The manager demanded evidence and waited until he saw 6 passports being held in the air and checked his own bag where he found his and Jungkook's passport safely kept.

Today was the first day of their concert tour and everything was a bit more chaotic like always. Packing their bags for at least a couple of months wasn't new to them, but for their youngest brother it was. Jungkook was growing every day and they needed to make sure they packed at least multiple sizes of toddler clothes, not knowing if they will have the opportunity to go shopping in case the kid became too big for his current outfits. But clothes weren't the only problem. What about toys? Sleeping beds in the hotel? Food? And they also wanted to bring a stroller in case they needed to walk long distances.

"Where is his dinosaur?" Seokjin asked looking concerned as the members were putting their luggage into the back of the company van. The oldest had Jungkook in his arms, because the toddler wasn't completely awake yet after being woken up forcibly in the middle of the night to catch their flight. His head was resting comfortably on Seokjin's shoulder, where the said older brother had his hand on the baby's back prevented him from falling.

"In your backpack?" Taehyung asked skeptically.

"No, it didn't fit. I left it on his bed when I took him to the bathroom to get dressed last night."

"It's in his bear bag" Namjoon said as he walked towards them with a fluffy brown bag in his hands that had two white ears on the top. Seokjin sighed with relief and thanked their leader for checking Jungkook's room before leaving. "What about his drink bottle?"

"Filled and in my bag. I also grabbed some apple juice for him in case he would want something else to drink" Jimin added. All 5 members along with Sejin watched fondly how Seokjin kept walking nervously in front of the van as he was thinking hard about all the things he didn't want to forget before they left their home. But they also had a plane to catch, so their manager opened the door and stepped closer to take Jungkook from his arms. The toddler whined at the loss of warmth, but he was too tired to fuss about it and let himself be manhandled into the child seat. Following Sejin, the rest of the boys quickly entered the van as well so they could finally leave.


"Is he still sleeping?" Jimin whispered when he came closer to Seokjin. The oldest member nodded and continued to rub Jungkook's back. The toddler was yet again sleeping in his brother's arms while they were waiting in the VIP lounge until their plane was ready to take off. "Being woken up in the middle of the night must have been exhausting for his little body" Seokjin said.

Jimin smiled softly and stood on his tiptoes so he could look at Jungkook's little sleepy face that was peaking from over Seokjin's shoulder. "Could you take him for a moment? I need to use the bathroom" the older one asked. Without any hesitance the oldest maknae nodded and happily took the toddler in his arms.

"Sleepy Kookie, why can't you sleep like this every morning?" Jimin whispered while he strolled down the lounge room. Other people who were also waiting momentarily stopped what they were doing and watched the pair walk by, but the boy couldn't blame them for staring. Jungkook is the most adorable kid on earth, and a sleeping Jungkook was even more cute. Who could resist looking at that adorable face?

"There's my favorite baby brother!" Taehyung happily whispers when he saw Jimin walking towards the food corner. The second youngest was busy collecting some food but put his plate on the side so he had both his hands free to check on Jungkook. "Gosh he looks so soft."

Jimin chuckled and gently shifted Jungkook a little in his arms when he felt the kid slipping. "And he's getting heavier. Sometimes I wish he was still a baby."

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