Chapter 5

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Hiding Jungkook from the public was one of the biggest challenges that they were facing nowadays. When Jungkook was little and couldn't walk, he could easily be hidden underneath a coat while Sejin held him close to his chest. But their little one had turned 2 a few months ago, he was getting bigger and stronger. And developing an own will. He didn't want to be carried all the time anymore, and started to talk back when he didn't like something.

So they needed to be creative and think of ways to keep the toddler out of social media and all the flashing lights from the cameras. One of those moments was when Jungkook needed to be checked by a doctor. After their 'shopping night' Seokjin could only think about that his baby brother wasn't growing well, or that he wasn't eating enough. So he had demanded from Sejin to arrange a doctor's appointment, and their manager of course didn't protest. When it came to Jungkook, Seokjin was the one to make the decisions and not Sejin despite being the kid's legal guardian. It was their agreement from the beginning. But the real trouble was getting Jungkook to a doctor, because if the media would notice one of the BTS members in the hospital, all hell will break lose.

After some talks and meetings, Big Hit had decided to appoint a private doctor to them. They had asked their previous doctor to work for them, so the man could join them on tours, but also visit them at their dorm when needed. This way they didn't need to go the hospital for every check-up and it would prevent a lot of rumors in the media at the same time. It was a win-win situation, and especially when the doctor was needed for Jungkook.

The toddler was a ray of sunshine and rarely got sad or angry, but two things could seriously make him upset: being separated from Seokjin and anything medical related. Both fears had developed since his parents had died, but it was quite unexpected since the boy had only been 6 months old when it happened. But even babies seem to pick up traumas, no matter how old he was and nothing had helped so far, not even the countless therapy sessions. But the past two years, the members and the staff had managed to find some ways to help Jungkook in these kind of situations. When Seokjin needed to go for work, they kept him distracted so he didn't have time to think about his brother. And when Jungkook was still longing for Seokjin, they would video call with him to settle him again.

The doctor visits were a disaster in the beginning, but they also found some tips and tricks to help with that. Letting the doctor come to their house, instead of going to the hospital, was the most effective trick. The hospital smell, the sounds, the furniture, all small things that resembled to a hospital was enough for Jungkook to burst into tears, so being at home was the best place to be when he needed to be checked. But the doctor himself was scary as well, which was strange to them because Jungkook usually reacted well to new people. Their staff for example had expanded a lot last year and the kid had no trouble to play with the new people. But when the doctor had visited them after clinic's hours one day and didn't bring his white coat, Jungkook hadn't noticed that he was the doctor and didn't cry when the man examined him.

And since today's visit of the doctor didn't include any vaccinations or white coats, the toddler was happily playing with the doctor since he didn't realize who the man was or where he was usually working. "Jungkook is very healthy and growing like he should be. He's actually a little bit taller than most of his age" the doctor explained and smiled at Jungkook when the boy gave him one of his toy cars.

"So he's not underweight?" Seokjin asked concerned. The doctor shook his head "His waist is slightly smaller, but he's not underweight. You are slim as well, and you said that your parents were skinny as well, despite eating normally. It's your build. Some people are naturally broader than others, but there's nothing wrong with that"

"Good good" Seokjin breathed out, but he was still a bit tense. "So he's eating enough? He doesn't always finish his meal"

The doctor chuckled "Yes Seokjin, he's eating enough. Sejin told me about his eating habits, and I can assure you that he's eating better than most toddlers do. Once they get old enough to voice their own opinions, they tend to become rebellious and refuse to eat vegetables for example. But from what I heard, is that Jungkook does always eat his vegetables, but not always finishes everything. But that's okay. His appetite will grow once he's a bit older"

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