The ball chair 🔥

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"For the love of Jesus azriel what were you thinking"
Xavier said as he place me on the bed

" I was just having a little fun" I say with sarcasm

" your forgetting one little detail,YOUR GOD-DAMN hurt I mean why the actual hell would you go pick a fight with novela you know you can't win ??"

I mean he did have a point but did he think I was so soft so weak I couldn't protect myself . I was doing it every day since my dad left since hazal left so why does he think I am dumb and weak I felt sad .... But all I did was put on a fake smile and I head to the bathroom, I washed up a bit put on some black shorts a white crop top and his pull over I had on before .I was mad at him but I still wanted to feel his presence and I did all that while hoping

" am going for a walk" I said limping but before he could answer the door was shut

the moment those words left my mouth I regret it I mean I know she can defend herself I didn't mean it disrespectfully I just wanted her to be safe....... I watch as she gave me one of those signature (fake) smile of hers and went to shower so I pick up my my phone

" I enjoyed that kiss" novela texted me
I deliberately left her on read .I had no time for her bullshit era .....after what seems like forever Azi walked out in a black shorts and my hoodie " how cute" I said to myself but I was pulled back to reality when she said she was going for a walk .she waited for no reply , she just left and at that moment I knew I messed up big ... she was tipsy and she is bearly walking but she needed space so I let her be for a couple minutes

Meanwhile (azriel)
" ozan"  I called
" hey Azi what's up" ozan open the door
"Is Nairobi in" I asked
"Nai??" Ozan called
" hey Azi fine??" Nairobi said taking her hair in a bun
" Amma give you guys the room" ozan then walked out
She took my hand and I sat on the ground so did she .......
" what happened??" She asked
" nothing" I answered
" let's try this again ..... azriel what's going on" she was quite worried

" he called me weak , made me look belittle to novela" I said looking down She then got up and head for the door but I got to it stumbling

" where are you going" I said holding on to the door base for stability nerves clearly killing me

" am going to bitch slap Xavier" she said pointing to the door

"Oh no your not" and we both laughted while falling on our butts

" hey ....the first day I met you you were like this perfect example of the girl I wanted to be , you were fearless ,strong , brave and all those beautiful characters in one . That day you came to school for the first time  and you stood up for me and Tokyo we became best friends but we also became sisters you taught us to stand up for our selves and right now you might be the weakest of us but your still that strong fearless girl who defended two completely strange girls from a bully .... Don't let anyone take take that away from you ..... and I mean NO ONE NOT EVEN XAVIER"

I wanted to say a lot but my mind and my body was in a big competition so all I could do was hug her

Meanwhile ( Xavier)

I took my phone up again and then came another notification

" are you ignoring me Xavier "novela texted
What the hell was wrong with this girl I thought to my self I mean does she ever take no for an answer , I thought to myself

" Xav" ozan say just letting him self in

" mmmmm, oh ye sure , just let yourself in" I say to him

" sarcastic much!!" He said laying on the bed

" so to what do I owe this pleasure "   I asked now curious

" do you remember the first day you walked into class there was this beautiful girl eyeing you and you were like ( here goes another one) but then you saw her in the cafeteria arguing with novela and you became so interested in her you ordered a background check on her to find out everything about her...... this thing with azriel" but I cut him off

" wha~" but he cut me off again

"Shut up and listen ...." He said again

" so as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..... azriel reminds me of leyla and mother  (when I heard mother I became sad) she is strong and very emotional .none of us knew the girl but now we are besties and living under one roof .... Novela is a bully and  she stood up to her  yes I know you love sex but this one is a keeper ......." And just then azriel burst inside the room

"Oh hey ozan" azriel say

" azriel are you for drunk??  you are so flying right now...." And with that ozan rushed to her side

" what did you and nai do??" Ozan said looking at my state

" oh we invited Tokyo and hazal and we drank a few more shots" she says bearly forming her words

" oh my god..... I better go get her" ozan say heading out  and azriel was bearly controlling her laughter ( oh women) and I shook my head

" am sorry Azi" I say holding her hand

" hey it's arl's also my fault once again I let my emotions get the better of me .... Jealousy " she says preying to sit

" jealousy" I repeat with a smirk

" don't get any ideas"  she replies

" I actually have a few" I said and with that I went in for a kiss

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