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Azriel wiped the tears from her sister face while  hers fall ( as usual)

When you were 15 and I was 17 I got a mail saying I should meet in California for information on dad . I went to California to find some strange dufus but he was looking for information on him little bee I wanted to come back but I couldn't . I had to take care of the situation,I had a hard time .I had to tie up loose ends and all that for five years that's where I find out our father was a mafia boss . Not only that but mr Romano and him are at the same place . "Xavier our dad and your father were best friends and Micheal is a backstabbing rat " hazal said

" if they find them first and kill them then they would be the largest mafia out there . If they ever get their hands on you azriel and convince you to give them what they want from you it's all over because you have information that could controlled the biggest mafia combined together, Azi " you are the key"  hazal told her sister and for a moment Azi was shocked  I would too

" wait Azi , what did mason ask you?" Xavier asked
" where is the map? , how many guards are there?? Oh and do you know how important you are??" Azriel answer

" where is the map little bee??" Hazal asked

" I burn it ....." azriel say

" it's gonna be hard without that"  hazal sighs

But azriel rolled up her sleeve to reveal the map tattoo there  . Oh so that's why she doesn't show her skin much this woman  ........  hazal smile and hugged her

" thank you" hazal says

" hey you still have not told me why you called her little be" I accused

" oh because she is my little bee , like i said" hazal told me

" but you told me you were gonna say ......" Xavier pouted

" no lover boy , it was to keep you here" she wink and with that she was gone

I sat down on my bed processing what I was just told . I mean our fathers we're besties .

" so ........um I'm sorry ..... about your father" she apologized to me

" hey don't worry about it ...." xavier told her

She wanted to go down stairs to get something to eat so I took her hands and put it around my neck and place my hands on her waist. Her hand was so soft and sweet .

Azriel POV

It was two weeks and a half ago I was kidnapped and beaten . I wanted bacon and xav insisted to never leave my side. He took my hand place it around my neck and his hand around my waist. If only he knew how hard it was to focus while touching him, but I could bearly walker . We went downstairs

" AZI!!" I hear a blissful kannat say while taking me in a tight hug

" p-pain ......." I mumbled out while staggering
I was caught by Xavier

" kannat , seriously dude" Xavier say

" what am happy to see my friend" kannat say rolling his eyes

"Hey Azi" everyone greeted I was place on a chair beside Tokyo by Xavier

" boys meeting ..... now ......."  Xavier order

Kannat kiss hazal on the cheeks , kemoy smile at Tokyo and ozan gave Nairobi a peck on the lips. When the boys left I just sat and look at the food so much has change I had my first kiss from a mafia boss which is the most handsome boy I've met .

" so!" Nairobi says

" what did I miss?" I ask nervously

" hazal here started dating  kannat..... while kemoy confess he loves Tokyo......." She trailed off

" and you are Dating ozan " I say already knowing and she blushed

" so little bee , how about you" my sister now turn to me

" um me..... no ..... uh not much ....... To .... Uh tell" I dismissed

They all look at me telling me they know the truth about you know .... A certain light green eye boy

" kannaaaaaaaat" I called

" Azi" he came in looking worried

" can I go to the garden" I asked

" of course little bee" and with that my boy best friend took me away from that embarrassing moment. While being carried away I smirk at the girls . Of course they were pissed because I got away before I had to talk about my first kiss. I was walking in the garden and I spot some daisy I was sitting on a bench and kannat left again I was alone so I told myself I am strong enought to get up and pick a flower after being tortured for two weeks , dumb right . I got up and started walking proudly but before I knew it my feet were limp and I fell face forward. " real smooth"  I thought to  myself

Xavier POV

I  finally finish discussing the situation and what can be done with the boys . I decide that I would go to the kitchen and and get some whiskey, so I head down it was about 3 in the evening.

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