Let's stop seeing each other

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They just got back from work to their shared apartment that Friday evening. When the door closed behind Nika with a gentle click, Olivia turned to her with a serious look in her eyes, which was the most rare expression she was used to seeing on her. It meant that her decision had already been made.

"We should stop seeing each other." Olivia said, slow yet determined.

Nika's heart fell before she could understand anything.

"What do you mean? We live together; how could we not see each other? If you mean that I shouldn't have come pick you up off work today, I'm sorry. I was in the vicinity and decided to drop by. I won't do it again, I promise!" She knew she was rambling, but this feeling of the ground disappearing from under her feet was way too pressing for her to stop.

Olivia gently shook her head, honey-colored locks shaking with the movement.

"I'm not talking about that. It's my own problem; it has nothing to do with you, Veronika." She took off her coral coat and put her clutch on the counter, unhurriedly slipping off her white gloves one finger after another. Her usual routine.

Nika watched her movements in a trance-like state, her mind still not ready to process the true meaning of Olivia's words.

"I mean our relationship. We should stop. I'm sorry; I don't think I can do this anymore. I'll start looking for a new apartment as soon as possible and will pay this month's deposit so you may find a new roommate in the meantime."

"New roommate?" Nika couldn't stop the unbelieving laughter bursting out of her chest. As if it were all there was to them. Roommates.

She wanted to shout, she wanted to cry, to ask her if it could all be fixed somehow. But looking into Olivia's green eyes, full of shame and sadness, she said nothing.

"You don't need to move out. I'll do it myself. It's not easy for you to search for an apartment as a foreigner."

She placed the package containing the large knit cashmere scarf on the shelf. Since Olivia wasn't used to the climate and was always wearing too little clothing, she got it for her because it was growing colder outside. Whether to give it to someone else or throw it away was not something Nika wanted to consider at that moment.

"But it was your apartment back then..."

Yes, it was. Nika, however, was unwilling to think about what it would be like to live here by herself.

"It doesn't matter. I'll be back later to return my key and pack my things. Bye."

With a start, Olivia said, "Wait, where are you going?" but the door had already closed, separating them for good.


The weather definitely got cooler, and Nika had to raise her wool collar to shield herself from the night wind. The way to the bar she used to frequent back then seemed too short and too long at the same time.

The sounds of the city's nocturnal life hardly entered her ringing ears. The only thing she could hear was that sad, soft voice saying that they should stop seeing each other.

The bar was just as she remembered. Half-empty and full of smoke. Nothing changed but the place in her own chest, which now seemed too heavy and too empty at the same time.

There were a few faces she recognized, but thankfully, the woman who joined her at the bar counter was the new one.

"You look a bit down. Need company?"


Finding company for the night was as easy as it was before.

Before she had met this classy foreign lady who liked to dress in light pastel colors and make princess-style locks.

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