03. Too good to be Real

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Soonyoung felt nausea building up in his system as drove towards PLEDIS university to pick up the person who would be saving his ass from embarrassment as well as from his friends, not to mention that Riha would also be there. Soonyoung sighed as soon as he remembered her name.

He fumbled to fish out his phone out of his jeans pocket while driving. He connected his phone with the Bluetooth speaker when he was waiting for the traffic light to change. He sighed contently as his favorite song started playing on the speaker, "Simple - by Woozi" an underground singer who was popular among many people for his sweet and soothing voice, not to mention his incomparable producing skill and the only thing he knew (well, Woozi's fans) was that Woozi was also a student of PLEDIS university.

"I just want it simple, simple. I want it simple."

Soonyoung scoffed bitterly at himself as soon as the lyrics made its way to his ear. Yeah, all he wanted was a simple and comfortable life with the person he loved. Yet, here he was, driving to pick up the 'fake date' whom he would be meeting for the first time let alone knowing him.

His nervousness had already died down when he had started to think back about his life as the lyrics were helping him reminisce about everything. "How ironic" was all he could think at the moment. The thoughts were way too loud in his head that he didn't even notice he had already reached his destination for the time being, PLEDIS university.

He pulled up in front of the main entrance before turning off the speaker. As soon as he pulled up someone knocked on the glass door, making him flinch at the sudden noise. "Calm down, Tiger. You're braver than this," he reassured himself, patting his own chest before sliding down the glass of the windshield to see the person who had startled his inner hamster only to get himself blown by the beauty who was standing there with innocent small brown eyes that complemented his pale skin.

"Um hi?" Soonyoung said which turned out to be a question. The other boy raised his eyebrow in question which made wanting to smack himself too hard but only did it in his mind. "Um, get in," he offered, nervously chuckling at himself which didn't help him at all as the other boy's expression was way too blank for his own liking, but who he was to judge when he was the one who needed the help in the first place.

Soonyoung stretched his arms as well as his body to open up the door of the passenger seat for the other boy who hopped onto the seat without uttering a single word as if it was a natural thing for them to hang out with each other like that. "I'm Kwon Soonyoung," Soonyoung introduced himself starting a conversation between them as he stretched out his hand for the other to take.

The other boy suspiciously eyed his hand, then his facial expression as if he was inspecting his behaviors like an animal trainer who was assigned to train him. Soonyoung didn't know why but he felt a bit scared of the little boy who was a whole lot different from the picture he had seen. He wasn't a fluffy little cute boy to him at this moment, he looked like a grumpy grandpa for some reason who was out there to hunt his head down in exchange for some berries.

"You don't look like a Tiger though," the smaller said catching him off guard which made him choke on his saliva. "That's offensive, you know," Soonyoung pouted, jutting his lips cutely, crossing his arms over his chest. The other boy giggled out loud which somehow made him warm inside. "Sorry," the younger boy apologized as he was still trying to muffle his laugh. "By the way it's Lee Jihoon," he said with a warm thin smile, stretching out his hand for the taller boy to take.

Soonyoung smiled, shaking the other's hand slightly before pulling away. "So, how are we gonna pull this off?" he asked as he pointed at them. "SO, YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU DON'T KNOW THIS TOO!!" the other boy freaked out, much to Soonyoung's surprise as he didn't look like someone to lose his calm in situations like this, at least to him.

"I shouldn't have listened to Seungkwan," the boy cried out with a whine. "Hey, hey, calm down, okay?" Soonyoung tried to calm him down as he rubbed his hand on the smaller's back. He pulled away his hand realizing what he was doing as soon as the other looked at him.

"We'll figure it out, together," Soonyoung reassured him as he flashed his signature 10:10 smile at the younger boy.

A/N: I'm being way too punctual; don't you think so? 😚

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