"What do you want from me? Haven't you had enough?"

I asked a bit more aggressively then I meant too. Their eyes went wide, surprised at my sudden change in mood. Ghost's posture got stiffer, as if he was prepared for me to jump at him at any moment. Did he think I would hurt him? Attack him? It made my heart squeeze in discomfort. Soap only opened his mouth just to close it again a moment later.

"We didn't wanted you to be hurt, if we had any idea none of us would have let you go-"

"But you did hurt me! And then you lied to my face! König at least had the balls to come and help me!"

I knew I was wrong, I remember what they did when Michael tried to hurt me, I remember Soap telling me how Ghost practically begged Price to get me. I knew I was too stubborn for my own good, but I didn't know how to stop. Neither did I know where to start. Because what do I do? Apologize? I was the one who got hurt.

He stepped closer looking down at me from under his mask, his brown eyes almost looked red in the light.

"They were paid. He wouldn't have came otherwise!"

It hurts. His voice turned deeper, digging into my skin like needles. God. How much I hate needles.

"He was the one who accepted that damned mission!"

I can feel my heart turning again. Like it wasn't mine. As if it wanted to get out of my body, not wanting to yell at him any longer.

"Oh right! Your knight in shining armor!"

"He never hurt me like you did! In fact he never hurt me, period!"

Then why am I hurting him? Why would I hurt him knowing he did the same? Knowing he was sorry, that he already paid the price.

"At least we know where Viper came from, you can only spit out venom..."

That hurt, his words and the look in his eyes were painful enough to make me want to cry. I hate it. I hate this so much. For some reason, I just wanted to hug him now. I know I like König, so why do I feel this way towards Ghost?

Why can't I understand?

"Just leave me alone, can you at least do that?"

This time I spoke a lot calmer, softer, almost as if I didn't want to be heard and soon they left me without another word.


I kept ignoring them. I had to. If I talk to any of them one more time I think I will have a break down.

I couldn't remember if I ever felt this way, I am so confused. I am not sure what exactly I am feeling, I just know it isn't something I want to keep inside of me. I needed some sort of distraction.

I walked through the empty grounds, the last group just finished their training. It was getting late and here I was, making my way to the gym, all of those emotions waiting to be unleashed.

Hitting a leather bag seemed like an ideal medicine.

The whole place is empty. Perfect.

I placed my water bottle a bit further away on a bench, made sure my half gloves were on properly and I started boxing.

For everything that happened to me in the last weeks.


For Persha betraying my trust.


For the fact I needed to leave Sarah behind.


All of my emotions, the anger, sadness, grief, the traumas. I put everything I had into my punches and kicks.

I got so lost in all of it that I didn't realize when my knuckles started bleeding. Scratches formed underneath my gloves, decorating my skin with the beautiful red drops and lines.

The clacking of metal filled the room together with the sound of my fists connecting with the roughed up leather of the bag.

The stinging of my hands didn't stop me, but the sudden voice did.

"You will break it."

I looked towards the source of the voice.

"Although it looks like it broke you more."


I took a deep breath, letting my emotions settle down before speaking.


I wasn't sure what else to say, me and Gaz didn't get as close before as I did with the others.

"You should leave some of that strength for tomorrow. Price always makes sure to check if we are in our peak condition before sending us out."

He sat down on one of the benches.

"Some kind of test or is he going to make me spar one of you?"

I laughed as I imagined how I could place their faces into the ground.

"Combat can only show so much, it will be an obstacle course."

I raised my eyebrow as he watched me, wondering what he was pulling here.

"I came here out of my own accord. You need some more faith in us, but I will save you the whole talk. Price will surely find the time to educate you."

Now he was the one laughing.

"I guess I need to prepare my ears."

"Prepare your ass too, you will be sitting there for a while."

His wording caught me by surprise, I never expected Gaz out of all people to talk this way.


This time he looked at me surprised.

"No problem. We are a team now... Viper...?"

"Got that one right."

I felt the relief wash over me, and a thought entered my mind... It has been a long time since everything happened.

Maybe I shouldn't hold such a grudge against them after all?

Word count: 1450

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