Chapter Sixty Three - Alvaryn

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I look up at her, guilt forming in my chest. "I'm sorry I didn't spent more time with you mother, but it was different, she needed us with her."

She smiles sadly. "I'm not upset you chose to spend your time with her my love, if you truly do love her then of course you would choose her. I know you would have done what you felt what was right in the moment."

A small silence fills the space before she speaks again.

"What I am concerned about is that you both want to marry the same woman."

I knew this conversation would happen eventually, that she would want to know more, want to understand. She would never judge us or be disappointed in us, but she would want us to tell her the truth, always the truth.

"Yes, we both intend to marry her." I answer, staring at my knees, not wanting to see the worried expression on her face as she makes sense of the truth.

"Alvaryn, I love you, and your brothers, all I want in this life is to know you are happy, and finding love is a gift I have always hoped for. You have no idea yet what thoughts and fears run through a parents mind as they watch their children grow. But knowing you have found someone you love and loves you in return is a wonderful blessing, not all are so lucky." She starts, I can hear the love in her voice, always constant, never ending. "But you have to know how impossible this situation is, you and your brother will never be allowed to marry the same woman. This idea of sharing a wife is unheard of and your father will never agree to it."

I look up at her suddenly, trying to defend my thoughts and feelings. "It isn't impossible mother, I have found records of polyamorous relationships in the past. Kings and Queens marring more than one husband or wife. Father could make it happen, he could allow the marriage to take place if he wanted to."

She sighs, expression troubled as she watches me.

"I can see how much this means to you Alvaryn, I can feel the struggle and the pain that you are going through. I believe you truly care about Daella, and I wish you could have the life you want, I wish both you and Aeris could have the lives you want. But I know your father, I know he values tradition, while you may have found records of this kind of relationship existing thousands of years ago, your father will not allow something that has faded from tradition and become all but unknown." She reaches her hand out, resting it on my knee.

I look down at it, seeing her engagement and wedding ring on her delicate finger.

"What else can I do mother? I love her. I won't be forced to marry someone else and give her up. Doing so would break me. And I can't even imagine what would happen to Aeris if he was made to do the same, the results would be far worse for our family and our kingdom." I say standing up and walking to the large window, looking out at the grounds below.

"I truly wish there was another way Alvaryn, but your Father is a stubborn man, and given everything that has happened he will not take any chances or make any changes." She replies and I don't need to turn and see her face to know the way it looks. Eyes troubled, mouth turned down, heaviness in her brow.

She wanted us to be happy, to experience love, I didn't doubt that. But I also knew she would have no sway over father, that once his mind is made up there would be nothing and no one that would change it.

"That is his decision to make Mother. Aeris and I have agreed to go to war, we will fight for our Kingdom and do our duty, but once we return choices will be made and he will have to live with the consequences." I say turning back to her, she looks up at me sadly as I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you for the gift." I say before picking them up and carrying them out of the room.

Mothers words follow me as I walk to my rooms and set down my gift next to the one Demwyn had given me, a hand crafted ink pen with my name engraved onto it. Another thoughtful gift, surprising it came from Demwyn, especially considering our current relationship, or lack thereof.

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