Chapter Sixty One - Daella

Start from the beginning

"You risked your life to save me?" I ask in disbelief.

"I am a healer My Lady, it is my sworn duty and purpose in life to serve any who need my help. While I knew I was performing a banned ritual I did truly believe it to be the only thing that could work and bring you back." He smiles, his brown eyes full of a kind of wisdom and strength I would never have.

"Thank you Quirin, thank you for risking your life, for performing the ritual knowing the risk. All three of you risked so much to save me and I owe all of you my life." I say softly, my fingers picking at the embroidery on my dress. "I'm not sure I deserve it."

He stands with a sigh, I didn't know how old he is and I didn't want to know, but even with his fae strength there were still signs of age in his movements and the way he spoke.

"My Lady, you were innocent in all of this, of course you deserve it." He smiles down at me.

"And so now what happens to me?" I ask looking up at him as I stay sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Now we wait, the Princes magic is working, it exists inside of you, it will be up to your body whether it accepts the magic as its own or only uses it to continue to fight off the nightmares." He answers before patting me on the shoulder. "I'm afraid there isn't anything you or I can do in this matter, only time will tell. Until then, I suggest you use the life you have been given to the best of your ability and try not to take it for granted as I try to do."

I watch as he walks to the door and closes it behind him then I stand and start pacing back and forth pressing my hands against my centre where this supposed space was.

All I could do was wait, wait for their magic to work, or wait for my body to accept it, gods what would that even feel like? Having magic. What if my body doesn't accept it and these nightmares haunt my sleep forever? I will never want to sleep again. I already dread the idea of going to sleep. Every night I go through the same routine of lighting candles and checking the dark spaces and then I would sit awake, not wanting to fall asleep but too tired to keep my eyes open.

I didn't want that to be my life. Is having magic my only other option? What would that even make me? Would I still be human or only half human, half fae?

A knock at my door startles me and I take a deep breath trying to calm myself before opening it hesitantly.

"Good morning my beautiful bride." Aeris smiles at me, holding a pink flower in his hand towards me.

"Morning." I smile up at him, standing on my toes to kiss him.

"I saw Quirin on my way, anything to report?" He asks tucking the flower into my hair.

"Unfortunately not."

His expression changes, his hand cupping my cheek.

"We will figure this out, I won't let you continue to be plagued by nightmares every time you close your eyes." He says pressing his lips to my forehead. I lean against him, my hands around his waist.

We stand there together for a moment, there wasn't anything I could say, nothing that would make this any better. There was only one way for the nightmares to stop and nothing I or anyone else did would make that happen.

"I have a surprise for you, if you're not too tired." He says, making me pull back and look up at him.


He nods, smiling excitedly. "It's time to wean the pups, they each get their name and collar. I promised you could be there so I thought we could do it this morning."

"Really? Yes that sounds like the best thing right now, getting away from this room, and that bed and being outside." I smile happily.

"Good." He says taking my hand and threading our fingers together to lead the way.

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