Chapter 32: Shaken

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"When am I going to get discharged?" whined Milan. "This place is beginning to get on my nerves."

Exasperated, Niam raked a hand through his long hair. "Asshole, better you stay in the hospital or I would be forced to nurse you."

Milan exaggeratedly blinked his eyes and pouted. "Can't you help out your childhood friend?"

Niam facepalmed. "Don't even try to look cute, it doesn't suit your badass image."

There was a short knock on the door and Danish walked in with a big basket of fruits. Placing it on a low table beside a huge bouquet of yellow roses, he came over to his injured friend.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked, concern marred his handsome face.

Milan and Niam exchanged a glance. "I am fine, Danish. Did the doctors say otherwise?"

Danish frowned, "Since you had an incident of Tachycardia, the doctors intend to conduct further tests on you. You shall be here for another 4-5 days."

Milan groaned in response, "I don't have a heart problem! It was just a natural response."

"To what?" questioned Niam curiously. "What can speed up your heartbeat to such unnatural levels?"

"The stress of everything that happened," fibbed Milan unable to meet their eyes.

Danish glanced over at the roses. "Your admirer sure has good taste," he remarked.

Milan flushed a deep red. "That's me! The heartthrob of the university."

Niam quirked his brows. "Wasn't that title reserved for Danish?"

"Are we going to settle this dispute in the hospital?" blustered Milan. "Speaking of disputes, what punishment were Rawat and Narong given?"

"None," replied Danish flatly. "You can't punish dead people."

"What?" sputtered Milan.

"Last night, Rawat and Narong were gunned down outside a famous bar. Since Rawat's father is a well-known businessman and a close friend of the current Prime Minister, the police suspect the mafia to be behind the blatant attack. On the other hand, the opposition leaders are busy blaming the government for the state of lawlessness in Bangkok. It's been on the news all morning."

Niam shook his head, "It's better this way. At least Kris's secret will remain safe."

"How is it better? Wouldn't the police find Kris's video on their phones?" asked Milan perplexed.

Danish shrugged nonchalantly. "Their phones have disappeared from the crime scene. Even the police are unable to trace it."

Milan stretched lazily. "Then, all's well that ends well."

"Not really," replied Niam. "I have informed your parents. They shall be here by tomorrow."

"Come on, man. What was the need?" moaned Milan. "You have no idea how badly my parents are going to react, seeing me in this state."

Danish smirked, "Tough luck, buddy. Along with the roses from your secret admirer, enjoy the papayas my dad has sent."

A loud shriek echoed in the busy corridor of the private hospital, causing the nurses and doctors to pause alike before returning to their duties. 


"How dare you order a hit without my permission?" snarled Taylor; his knuckles white as he gripped the phone hard. "Do you have any idea of the huge uproar it has caused? Rawat's father is a close ally of Mr Daniel. If your involvement comes to light, do you have any idea what Mr Daniel will do to us!"

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