Author's Notes and More

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Sheesh! It's been a wild ride, isn't it? another author's notes and a questions-and-answer type of stuff, but I'm feeling we have ALOT to cover and answer today, so I'm going straight to the point when it goes to questions-and-answers, but first, some info about me:

- Who am I?
> I'm Enerine, but my name in real life is Jreine (pronounced as 'Rain')
(Trivia: Did you know that 'Enerine' is scrambled from my father's name, Ernie)

- Do you have a Discord?
> Yes, and I'm open for critiques, suggestions, additions... just contact me in Discord: variadigm
(Trivia: I also have a Discord server, DM me on Discord for an invite)

- Do you do character suggestions?
> Yep, you can ask me if you want your character added and I'll add them for future scenes.
(Trivia: I need a critique, if you are, please DM me)

- How old are you?
> I am currently 13 years old.
(Trivia: I was born in January 3, 2010)

- What inspired you to start writing?
> I've always been fascinated by stories and imagination. Reading books and watching movies inspired me to create my own worlds and characters.

- How do you develop your characters?
> I usually start with a basic idea or trait and then build upon it. Sometimes I draw inspiration from people I know or mix different personality traits to create unique characters.

- What's your writing process like?
> I tend to brainstorm ideas first, jotting down plot points and character arcs. Then, I create a scenario of what's supposed to happen in that specific chapter, then I write... I don't really like pre-planned stuff, I love to improvise on the spot as I sit back and watch where the plot is going to go, but I don't stray too far from the pre-destined ending that I created. I try to write consistently but also give myself breaks to avoid burnout. Just this week, I have decided I would write 2 chapters a day and it seemed to be working!

- Any advice for young writers like yourself?
> Don't be afraid to write what you love. Experiment with different genres and styles. Also, seek feedback and be open to learning from others' critiques.

Feel free to shoot more questions in my DMS or if there's anything specific you'd like to know!

Enough about me, let's start answering some questions about the book!

- What the hell is the Archon's goal?
> To answer that question, we must first understand what the Archons are. The Archons are a group of Nexus Order worshippers who revere them as gods, whoever opposes or dared to speak against the Nexus, they are in charge of their trials and their punishments... So basically, the Archon are a bunch of lackeys who think the Nexus order are gods even though they aren't. Just to make stuff clear, this 'worship' of the Archons is not a religion, it's more like a cult that was popularized among the rankings some time after the Nexus' start of reign.

- What is the Herald?
> A beast, a member of the Archon, but it's more like a pet-thing as the rest of the Archon don't treat it as equal to them.

- What was in the sign that was put on Jacob's shattered arm?
> The sign, which weighs over 11 kilograms, has the gold-engraved lettering which says "Shame be upon thee, rebellious one"

- Who created Ethan's group?
> The rebellion is led by the Paradox, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

- What is Ethan's race?
> He is full Archdemon.

- What race is Lila?
> She is a being called a 'Lesser Pendragon' which is typically weaker than an average Pendragon

What race is Jacob?
> This is conflicted among my co-writers, but it is agreed upon that he is a Pendragon.

- What eye was given by Zean to Jacob?
> It was an Archdemon's eye he had created using Adam, it can detect celestias in the air, see 5 seconds into the future, see in the dark, and illuminate when desired.

- What is the name of their resistance?
> It wasn't mentioned in the book, but its name is the 'Zelxi Movement', Zelxi means 'to break free' in Archdemon language

- What torments did Jacob bear?
> I didn't mention this much as it would be a risk if I described in detail, but here's the list:
1. ruptured organs
2. blindness
3. self-eating flesh
4. carrying a big sign
5. no food, no water
6. extreme fatigue
7. whipped, heavily injured
8. boiling blood
9. lost nails
10. losing celestia rapidly
11. inability to die

- What is the Upper Genesis like?
> Bright, filled with a hell lot of clouds. The ground and everything else made out of vibrant purple crystals, and the grass are blue.

- What's the Mountains of Mûg?
> It is a place of the giants where the Kronos Medallion is rested.

- Who is the lord of the Void?
> I shall answer that after the war in Chapter 15 >:)

- What does 'Epixum Glorus Mhea" mean?
> "Epixum Glorus Mhea" translates to "Unite the realms, give life."

- When is Jacob's birthday canonically?
> His birthday is June 18, 2010, just like in real life.

- Who are the celestial beings guarding the passages, and what is their connection to the ancient vault?
> They are called 'Riddlers', that's their nature.

- What the hell are the Luminous Realm creatures?
> They are creatures from the Realm of Luminous, the central of the Upper Genesis, they are self-centered bastards who only cares about they could get benefitted from something.

- What drove the Council's conviction of Jacob's involvement with forbidden magic?
> They were referring to the 'Forbidden Rewind' and how it interferes with the Nexus Order's desired outcome of what's supposed to happen.

To-Do List:

Here's a quick character walkthrough to keep ourselves entertained!

Character Name:
Physical Appearance:
- Average height, lean but sturdy build.
- Dark tousled hair that falls over his forehead.
- Expressive eyes reflecting emotions and newfound sight.
- Face bearing marks of past struggles.
- Worn clothing, elegant yet tattered.
Personality and Traits:
- Determined and resilient.
- Strategic and adaptable.
- Empathetic and caring.
- Ambitious and motivated.
Background and History:
- Marked by significant trials and suffering at the hands of the Nexus Order.
- Experienced extreme torments, including loss of eyesight.
- Gained unique magical abilities after encounters with Zean and Celestias.
- Journey driven by quest for retribution and survival.
Character Arc and Development:
- Survivor marked by past ordeals but driven to fight back.
- Undergoes transformation, gains new powers, reconnects with friends.
- Faces internal conflicts regarding morality and consequences of alliances.
- Growth from victim seeking retribution to a leading figure in rebellion.
Key Relationships:
- Link: Closest friend sparking hope and rejuvenating Jacob's spirits.
- Ethan and Lila: Trusted allies in rebellion, relied upon for strengths and support.
- Zean and Celestias: Entities granting sight and extraordinary powers, shaping destiny.
Role in the Story:
- Central protagonist driving narrative with quest for justice and overthrowing Nexus Order.
- Struggles, growth, and alliances heavily influence rebellion's fate.
- Journey intertwined with themes of resilience, sacrifice, corrupting nature of power, and fight for freedom.

Whew! Anyways, That's all for today... I'll keep y'all updated when a new part uploads!

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