how they act around your ex (pt.2)

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Luis Mendoza
-Honestly would feel super insecure
-Hand around waist, shoulders, hip, anything he can
-Seems like such a tough guy usually but hes such a softie when it comes to you so this is kinda hard on him
-"y/n I really don't want to be pushy but when are we going home?"

Dwayne Robertson
-doesn't bother him, he tries to make friends with them (unless ended on bad terms)
-makes sure you're doing good the whole time
-doesn't let it get to him, he's all around pretty confident in these situations

Dean Portman
-Always looks intimidating but this is on a new level
-"babe, why them? You could have saved time and been with me instead of that"
-any time he talks you get an eye roll and "Can you believe this kid?"
-He's def another one with the physical touch no matter who's looking

Fulton Reed
-Such a big softie for you
-"y/n are they bothering you? Cause if they're bothering you I'll do something about it"
-"are you sure you're okay hun?"
-makes sure you're comfortable the whole time

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