First friend

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Maria's pov
1 pm

I've been staying with Maya and Carina for two weeks now which means next monday, I will have my first day at high school. Im starting 11th grade which means I'm a junior. I'm really nervous about it but I haven't told anyone. I don't wanna bother them more. Maya and Carina are really nice and so is their friends. Carina invited a few people from the hospital for dinner. Teddy Altman, Amelia Shepherd, Jo Wilson, Taryn Helm and Mika Yasuda. They told me so many stories about all the stuff that had happened at the hospital and lots of gossip, some things I wished I didn't hear. They asked a lot of questions about Norway too and Amelia couldn't believe how we opened gifts on Christmas Eve. She's really funny and has no filter. Teddy and Maya seemed to have a special relationship, not in a romantic way or anything but something special.

I'm alone at the apartment right now. Both Maya and Carina have a 24 hour shift which means I'm alone, at least for now. They don't want me to be alone at night yet and I understand that, the U.S. is not as safe as Norway is. So Amelia and her partner Kai are gonna stay with me tonight. I'm excited but a little nervous too. Right now I'm just watching law and order in the living room since Amelia and Kai won't be here for a few hours.

7 Pm

There was a knock at the door. For a second I got scared but then remembered that it probably was Amelia. I stood up from the couch and opened the door. Amelia stood there with a huge smile while Kai was holding their bag.

"Hi Maria". Amelia said giving me a hug.

"This is Kai, Kai this is Maria". She said introducing us.

"It's nice to meet you". They said shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too". I said back with a smile.

"Okay, I'm thinking pizza for dinner and we're ordering cause I can't cook like Carina". Amelia said looking at me and Kai. Both of us started laughing but agreed.

"You're fifteen?" Kai asked when the two of us sat down on the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be sixteen in November tough".

"Okay, pizza will be here in 30". Amelia said walking into the living room.

"How long have you two been together?" I asked.

"About a year". Amelia said.

"Okay but why do you open presents on Christmas Eve". She asked.

"Why do you open presents on the 25th?" I asked back.

"Because it's normal".

"It makes more sense to open on Christmas Eve than the morning after".

"I kinda agree". Kai spoke up from beside me.

"What's wrong with you two". She said shaking her head.

"You need a nickname". Amelia said turning her head to look at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I mean Maya is Barbie and Carina is doctor orgasm so you need a nickname to". She said as if it's the most obvious thing.

"Uhm okay?" I said.

"Your name is Maria".


"Mmmm what fits you". She said thinking.

"I'm excited to hear what you come up with". Kai told Amelia playfully.


"What?" They said at the same time.

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