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Maria's pov
5 am

I could feel his breaths on my neck. The smell of alcohol and smoke. My heart pounding in my chest. His hand grabbing mine, pulling me down the stairs.

I gasped for air when I woke up from my nightmare. My ears were ringing and I couldn't breathe. Everything was spinning. "Maria?" Is echoing thru my head. "Breathe" Someone is getting into my bed. I can feel someone taking my hands in theirs.
"It's okay Maria". I hear a woman say. "I'm here, just breathe". It's Maya.

"Breathe in 1,2,3 and out 1,2,3. Good I'm here". She said looking straight into my eyes. I could breathe again. My ears weren't ringing anymore.

"Keep breathing, you're doing so good Maria". The room stopped spinning.

"Come here". Maya said, pulling me close to her. I couldn't keep my tears in anymore. She held me close while I sobbed in her lap. It felt nice to have someone who cared about me.

Carina's pov
9:30 am

I woke up and found Maya's side of the bed cold, which is normal. I don't understand how she can wake up so early. After laying in bed for a few minutes I decided to get ready. I took a shower before I walked out into the living room. I looked around and couldn't see Maya, but her shoes were still here. I checked Maria's room and saw both of them asleep. Maria on Maya's chest. I could see she'd been crying. I've noticed over the past few days that something is bothering her. I don't know what but thinking about what she said about her family yesterday, I think it has something to do with that.

"Carina?" Maya's voice pulled me out of my head.

"Sorry bambina, I didn't mean to wake you"

"No it's okay". She said carefully getting out of bed. We both watched Maria for a second before walking out, sitting down on the couch.

"You two looked peaceful". Maya blushed at my comment.

"Yeah. I think she had a nightmare".


"I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water when I heard something. I opened her door and she was panicking and gasping for air". She told me worried.

"She had a panic attack?" I asked her.

"I think so. I helped her calm down before she broke down sobbing. She eventually cried herself back to sleep and I didn't wanna move so I ended up falling asleep too".

"Should we be worried Carina?" She asked looking deeply into my eyes.

"I dont know".

"She's smiling and laughing all the time. She looks happy but sad. I don't know how to explain it".

"I've been thinking about what she said about her sister and how we always were nice to her". She said again before I could say anything.

"I know but it could just be a nightmare and that's it". I said taking her hand.

"Yeah, I guess".

Sorry for a short chapter and I know it sucks. The next part will be out tonight and I promise it will be longer. Please come with suggestions for future chapters, I'll make a list with all of them.

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