if i had known

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if i had known
that was the last conversation we'd have, talking with all love,
talking like there was no tomorrow
talking our hearts out, together as one,
and without it feeling like i was forcing you to talk to me
i would've cherished the moment ever so dearly, holding it close to my heart.
if i had known
that was our last time we were going to hang out, just the two of us
experiencing the weirdest encounters
laughing in each others faces, bullying each other as a joke
walking side by side, holding onto each other, as if someone was gonna steal one of us from the other
i would've acted as the moment was truly the most special thing that has ever happened to me
if i had known
you were going to leave me in the end
leaving me to cry myself to sleep every night
to blame myself for you leaving me
to ask myself, "what did i do wrong?"
to ask myself, "what if?"
i wouldn't have gotten attached in the first place
i don't know why you decided to leave ever so abruptly
but i will always be waiting for you, sweetheart
and even though you probably don't love me anymore as you used to
i will always hold onto that 0.01% chance that you will come back and we could live our happiest lives together
if only, i had known.

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