i dont want us to end

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i dont want us to end
why did it have to end that way, why did it have to end at all
i thought we both loved each other equally
i thought no matter what, we'd fight through it
as a couple
why must you leave so easily?
did i not mean more to you?
i gave you all my love, you gave me your love, but was it all your love?
you were so perfect, my love
i wish we didnt have to end so cruelly
when did you become so mean, so ignorant
i miss the old you, i miss you so much
why did you end your kindness, your affection, your caring side, your love?
it was so perfect; dreamworthy even
every night, for the days after we went no contact
i started to dream of you
the dreams would vary from hugging, to affection, to overall feeling your love
one which i miss so much
if i had one wish, one wish in the world
it would be to experience being loved by you once more.

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