it hurts

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it hurts so much
just imagining you with another girl
seeing you in person already makes my heart drop enough
i couldnt imagine what i'd have to go through, seeing you smile beautifully, but its not with me
it hurts a lot you know
loving someone with all your heart, just to get being loved back with 1% of theirs, or in common cases, not even getting the bare minimum back
especially when you really love this person, you just seem to tolerate it no matter what
all because you love them
please love, we can fix this
we can talk it out, fight through our hardships together
you're hurting me, in a silence that you could've heard, but chose not to
do you even think about me as much as i think about you? or do you just live on about your life, not acknowledging that you hurt me ever so dearly
i would never hurt you like you had hurt me, hell, i wouldn't even wish this pain and hurt upon my worst enemy
just.. please, come back, darling
i will do whatever it takes
as much as you had hurt me, broken me, shattered my heart into pieces
i will always forgive you
for you are the one i will always love
forever and always—
just please, stop hurting me.
it hurts.

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