unkept promises

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remember our promises, my love?

you promised that whatever happens, you'll always be there for me
you promised to always comfort me whenever something was bothering me
you promised that i didn't do anything wrong
you promised to call me, and when we did, we would stay on the phone for a long time
you promised we'd go out together
you promised we would never go our separate ways
you promised me, that whenever something was bothering you, you'd tell me and we would work it out together
you promised that you only found me attractive, and i was the only one you wanted
you promised me that you would never find another one
you promised to give me all your love and affection, to love me until the end of time, to love me forever and always
but tell me, darling, why weren't those promises fulfilled?
why have you broken the promises, and not keep them?
i am confused, on to why you had done that
it hurts, my love
knowing that you didn't keep your promises,
and although you had broke all your promises, i will always keep mine.
i will always love you, and only you. i will never love anyone as much as i loved you.

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