bring me back

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bring me back
to the day we first met
we saw each other, introduced by one of our mutual friends
you smiled at me and said hi, as i did the same
you seemed so nice, and caring, and i fell in love at first sight
i remember the day ever so clearly
when our friend introduced us, it was like everything around us stopped
and the world was solely focused on us, staring at each others eyes
the trees leaves, falling off and around us
signifying the way we fell for each other
the melody of the birds singing their tune in the sky
i remember the first time i saw your smile,
seeing it gave me a feeling,
a feeling similar to one you feel when you glance at the sky after it rains, the sun coming out, thus creating a rainbow
i want to be brought back, i miss that day
i miss you so much, my lovely boy
oh please i pray, bring me back to that day.

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