Chapter 4 : A Wedding

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Beatrice, with genuine excitement, replied, "No worries! I've been trying to reach you for months. Left you a voicemail too. I wanted you to be part of the wedding party!"

Aadhya, slightly taken aback, responded, "Wedding party? For your wedding?"

Beatrice, as if sharing a well-kept secret, shared, "Of course! Edo proposed like months ago, and we're getting married in Windsor next week. I can't imagine this celebration without you by my side, Aadhya."

Aadhya, now understanding the context, couldn't help but smile. "Bea, I'm honored. Congratulations! I'll be there for you, no doubt. Now, when do I need to land, and where do I need to be?"

As the safari bumped along the dusty road in Botswana, Aadhya continued her conversation with Beatrice. Amidst the excitement of wedding plans, Beatrice couldn't help but inquire about Aadhya's current endeavors.

"So, spill the tea, Aadhya. What's keeping you busy these days?" Beatrice asked.

Aadhya, with a mix of pride and passion, shared, "Well, I'm in Botswana right now, opening schools with 'WE Schools.' It's been an incredible journey, Bea, connecting with communities, building educational spaces. Just opened the sixth school today, with one more to go."

Beatrice, genuinely intrigued, responded, "That sounds amazing! You've always had this incredible ability to make a difference. I'm so proud of you."

Aadhya, grateful for Beatrice's genuine support, smiled. "Thanks, Bea. It's been a fulfilling experience. But tell me more about your wedding plans. Any specific theme in mind?"

As Beatrice delved into the wedding details, Aadhya couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. The conversation seamlessly shifted from school openings in Botswana to wedding festivities in the UK, connecting two different worlds in Aadhya's eventful life.

Hours later, as the safari approached the seventh village for the last school opening, Aadhya bid farewell to Beatrice, promising to catch up in person soon. Little did she know that the journey she embarked upon would soon intertwine with the celebratory events awaiting her in the UK.

The chopper descended gracefully onto the manicured grounds of Windsor Castle, carrying Aadhya and her dedicated team who had just flown in from London

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The chopper descended gracefully onto the manicured grounds of Windsor Castle, carrying Aadhya and her dedicated team who had just flown in from London. The brisk English air welcomed them, marking the end of their impactful 12-day 'WE Schools' mission in Botswana.

As they stepped onto familiar territory, Windsor Castle, Aadhya's mind swirled with memories from her school days. The grandeur of the castle had always left a lasting impression on her, especially considering her visits with Beatrice and Eugenie in the past.

Aadhya couldn't deny the thrill coursing through her veins. This time, however, the visit held a special significance—it was for her childhood best friend's wedding.

Beatrice, having reached out to Aadhya months ago, had extended a personal invitation to be a part of the wedding festivities. Unfortunately, Aadhya had missed the call, having only Beatrice's personal number, a realization that now lingered in her mind.

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