𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓.

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🗓️ : the next day.

next day onwards, seungyeon takes to all tasks like a housekeeper in order to apologise to the members once again.

"none of you should worry, i'll do the chores well!" she said as she hung the laundry up on the stand inside.

junhyeon freaks out that she washed his underwear too and grabs it back, warning her to not touch it again.

the girl wonders what went wrong and gunwook mutters: "sure you look pretty but you really don't  seem like a girl."

the girl smiles at the comment as she heads off to find minjun for breakfast.

meanwhile, team leader han was busy being the bad guy as she demonstrates by heading over to haemin's shoot.

"what are your reasons for helping out the juniors yesterday at the concert? what's your true heart haemin?"

"i have no desire to help a team leader who manipulates fans by telling them to leave after 8turn has performed in order for the juniors to not get recognition they deserve. you've never been apart of the idol training process so maybe you don't understand but, it's draining to work so hard then get everything taken away from you."

"i've done my best to protect 8turn because the juniors are not up to standard enough-"

haemin interrupts her: "if you carry on like this, 8turn will only start to drift away. how are you even in the industry... just give up on whatever you're doing."

before team leader han could even ask him about seungyeon, they were interrupted.


📍mnh entertainment's café.


the trainees were confused when they were called to the café by inah. but nevertheless, they came despite the nervousness due to the fact she was their sunbae.

"i'm here to ask a favour of you," she said, referring to all of them, "i need a male rapper for my new song."

junhyeon quickly butted in: "well she won't do much good," he said as he pointed at seungyeon and laughed hysterically like he was the funniest man on earth - meanwhile the girl just glared at the other.

inah gave a bitter, fake smile as she continued, "i was thinking gunwook anyways. however, i wanted to ask if you guys could make a feature in my music video. i asked haemin too."

all the trainees eyes widened as they turned to look at the idol.


at practice, seungyeon is absent minded and messes up many times, leading minjun to cut her off: "go visit haemin."

however, she holds back. "he'd told me he'll treat me as a hoobae." after pondering for a while though, the trainee decides she can go see him as a hoobae! minjun offers her money, taking out his wallet from his bag but she declines and heads off, saying: "i'll be back!"

behind her, minjun mutters, "you always come back after leaving. if your heart could come back, i'd wait for you forever."

outside, gunwook offers her a ride. he's heading to his part time job on the motorcycle hyunsuk lent him, so he figures he should help his niece. on the way however, seungyeon catches sight of haemin's car in front of them and calls him up.

"hello?" haemin answered on the other line, still focusing on the road.

"sunbae! pull over!" he catches sight of her with gunwook in the side mirror and pulls over. seungyeon joins him in the car after thanking gunwook.

haemin sighed after the younger entered the car and leaned back, still stationary: "i'm not in the mood to play with you right now seungyeon," he said - tired after dealing with team leader han's bullshit all the day.

"i'm here as your friend, and there's no point leaving me here anyway since it's a deserted road and there'll be little or no taxis around," the girl dramatically whipped her hands over her chest, batting her eyelashes at him.

haemin scoffs at her obvious excuse but doesn't press the issue and they drive off, albeit in silence. although both are perturbed by it, neither break it.


next thing you know, seungyeon's behind the wheel instead and she drives haemin to a spot: "leave the car and walk a little ahead. it's my 'gift' for you."

the boy furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to look at the shorter, "are you not coming with me?"

seungyeon sighed as she put all of her long locks to the back: "oh i'm so popular these days i can't just walk around carelessly anymore, you know! go alone!"

haemin laughs a her and heads off. it seems she has brought him to a hillside from where you can see the whole city and watching him walk away, seungyeon mutters, "let it all out and come back!"

the 8turn member reaches the top and sighs in content, looking at the view whilst smiling. however, his mind is still perturbed by team leader han's words and methods used to sabotage the juniors.

he worries for the juniors, he worries that maybe all those harsh words he said to seungyeon after being deceived would all go down the drain, and he'd feel guilty.

- now playing: right there - ariana grande ft big sean.

seungyeon is dancing on her seat with loud music blaring when haemin walks back up and she doesn't even see him until he opens the door on her side, startling her.

"change seats," he ordered and he doesn't let her out so she has to slide further inside to the passenger seat.

that puts her in a bit of an annoyed mood while he's laughing proudly, his mood all the better now. they head off to meet some friends of his and on the way there, he picks some food up.


while the others sit, chat and, get to know seungyeon, haemin and his friend sit by the side.

his friend muses: "your temper really gets the best of you but, i always thought you arguing with team leader han was bound to happen."

haemin protests: "this isn't comforting you know."

but his friend prods even further, "does our baby haemin even need comfort for something like this?" he teased and laughed.

haemin simply smiles and his friend continues: "are you in love? well since you seem tired as hell but your face doesn't even show it," he continues to muse that it must be seungyeon with a glance her way.

haemin panics: "there's no way we're dating! she's... she's not my type!"


"... haemin i can tell seungyeon is definitely your type with a single glance. if such a pretty girl wasn't i would've seduced you already long ago!" he laughed and didn't stop teasing the other.

that even makes haemin laugh and at this time, seungyeon apologetically cuts in since it was getting late and haemin's friends even call the idol lucky for having seungyeon around. therefore, they asked her to take care of her 'bad tempered friend'. seungyeon agrees, his temper is totally awful but haemin cuts off the group rallying against him jokingly.

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