𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚.

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seungyeon paced nervously in the ceo's office whilst groaning and waiting for her uncle to come back. once he arrived, she quickly ran to the door: "i told you to come quick didn't i?!"

"i tried my best you brat. so," he said whilst walking to his desk, "your family know you're not in england anymore?"

"mhm," she said scared: "the school called my home. then my family called my england number, they knew i returned to korea."

minhyuk's eyes widened as he looked at his niece, "don't tell me... they know you're here in the company?! you told them that?"

seungyeon shook her head, "no. they don't know that yet, i told them i'm at minjun's house."

"argh, i just knew this would happen. this is why i told you not to do this from the start!"

"is there any use saying such things now?! start thinking of a solution!"

minhyuk scratched his head, "erm... umm... ah i don't know. you created this mess don't drag me into it."


"keep quiet! what if somebody hears?"

seungyeon tilted her head, "ah but that's strange, i've been kicked out for almost a month now, school just contacted home now?"

seungyeon tilted her head, "ah but that's strange, i've been kicked out for almost a month now, school just contacted home now?"

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team leader han drove home, on the phone. "thank you michelle," she said in english. "no no no, she's a niece of my friend. and i think i should let her parents know about it. thanks anyways. okay! bye!"

the woman hung up and let out a sigh, "before she makes it big, she needs to be stopped. jung haemin... if not for your interventions, i wouldn't have had to come to this."

— the next day —

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— the next day —

it was the dual survival battle between the juniors today: jisub, matthew, minjun and seungyeon on one team whilst juntaek, seunghwan, hyundae, gunwook and junhyeon on the other team.

all of the juniors except seungyeon were waiting in their dressing room. "where did that punk go, why isn't he here yet?" juntaek asked.

"if we lose this battle, we're out of the game," jisub said to his team, "oh minjun, still can't reach seungyeon?"


junhyeon's eyes widened: "what? did seungyeon run away again? that's why it's been quiet..."

minjun butted in, "something urgent happened at home. i think he'll come before the mission starts."

haemin walked down the stairs of where the second showcase was taking place, bowing to team leader han and the ceo before taking his seat next to kyungmin.

seungyeon's dad slapped her across the face. "dad..." she said with tears in her eyes.

"go back to england now!"


meanwhile, the battle started, and seungyeon still hadn't arrived.

seungyeon paced around in her home bedroom that she was locked in now, stressed. "mum!" she shouted against the door: "open the door mum! please!"

the girl checked her watch, sighing as she squeezed her eyes shut, wiping her tears away. on the other hand: minjun, matthew and jisub had to step on stage without seungyeon.

"how come there's only 3 of you? where's seungyeon?" minhyuk asked and they all just looked at each other.

"something came up," jisub said.

"i said before, a team have to act as one," haemin looked confused whilst minhyuk said this, "if one member has a problem, the whole team has a problem. just take it that this team forfeit."

"dad!" seungyeon shouted and banged on the door, "dad! please listen to what i've got to say! alright?! dad!" the girl sighed and slid down her bedroom door, crying out whilst sighing.

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two-faced ass 🤮🤮🤮seungyeon???

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two-faced ass 🤮🤮🤮

the showcase started

where r u???

ur team had to forfeit

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ur team had to forfeit

just call me????

disguise | jung haemin <3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu