𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆.

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"are you crazy?!" haemin shouted as water dripped from his hair and clothes.

"why?" seungyeon said in reply, "should i call jia noona again? your bruise is gone."

haemin shut his eyes in frustration and looked away, "that jia has a big mouth..." he mumbled to himself.

seungyeon had tears forming in her eyes but tried holding back, "you insensitive jerk!" this caused the boy to quickly look at seungyeon.

"how dare you speak to your sunbae in that way?!" he shouted.

a tear ran down the trainee's face, but she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand, "do you know what you took away from me?! how much i wanted to meet..."

the idol's eyes changed as he looked at the younger with sympathy, seeing the tears in her eyes and how hurt she was.

"how much i wanted to learn!"

he gulped, "what?"

"for you, this opportunity may mean nothing since you're already famous! but for me, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

the two just held eye contact as tears couldn't help but threaten to spill out of her eyes as she sniffled. the girl then continued, "my chance... don't think of it as a joke. you... are absolutely a vile jerk!" she cried out, not being able to hold back anymore. when seungyeon turned to leave, haemin found himself quickly getting up and grabbing her wrist to stop her.

"where are you going like this?" he asked, still gripping onto her wrist.

seungyeon sniffled before turning around, looking at the boy before forcefully detaching his hand, and leaving his house.

seungyeon sniffled before turning around, looking at the boy before forcefully detaching his hand, and leaving his house

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haemin was troubled the next day, he couldn't get the image of seungyeon crying out of his head. he was walking with his manager through the entertainment building.

"others were dying to work with that director," jihyun said, "why don't you want to work with him?" he asked, "you think so highly of yourself..." he mumbled to himself.

after that, haemin stopped after hearing one of 8turn's songs: walk it out.

however, jihyun thought it was because of what he said, "no... i was just-" but that got debunked when haemin walked away, causing him to quickly follow. and when he went to the practice room, there he saw seungyeon struggling with one of the moves.

"ugh!" she said after getting it wrong for the 3rd time, ruffling her hair before continuing. haemin found himself smiling a little at how cute it was when she got frustrated over a small mistake, but quickly wiped it off his face.

"ow!" she said as she fell to the floor, rubbing her knee before getting back up. haemin squinted his eyes when she fell and whispered an 'ow' under his breath.

after about 3 times falling, she still wasn't getting it right.

"that idiot... it won't work if your body goes out first," haemin said to himself.

seungyeon sighed and neatened herself up so she can prepare to try again. when she was getting in position, haemin just stared at her from the door, sighing. and this time when she did it, she finally got it right! as a result, her eyes lit up as a big smile grew on her face, jumping for joy. haemin smirked a little and then that turned into a radiant smile, showing his pearly whites.

however, after that she turned to look at the door, eyes widening and smile dropping as she quickly went to pause the music and pack up her stuff. haemin's smile dropped and his eyes widened as he looked both left and right, quickly running somewhere whilst dragging his manager.

"hey! did you do something wrong to seungyeon?" jihyun asked as they were walking away, causing haemin to stop and get all defensive.

"hyung! what do you mean?! what did i do wrong?!" haemin asked, "i just didn't wanna see him..." at that moment, seungyeon came running behind them, wiping her sweat with a towel. not expecting to see her there, haemin's eyes widened as he quickly turned around. the girl didn't expect to see him there either so as a result, she stopped in her tracks and rolled her eyes, "hello," she said in a low tone before jogging off again.

"huh?" haemin asked confused, watching her go, "he really!" he exclaimed in frustration.

"it seems he's mad at you for always bullying him." his manager said, causing him to quickly look at him.

"what? how do i bully him? he should just thank me and accept it gladly."

seungyeon caught up on all her classes that week, focusing on herself and keeping no contact with haemin.

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