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Midoriya runs up to the gates as he meets All Might "Ah good your here Young Midorya." He nods as he looks around for a second "Hey where is Mellissa? I thought you said she was coming too?" All Might nods "Ah she went to look around the support class, Power Loader offered to take her on a tour. If that's all the questions let's go I'm excited to show you the hero course."

The start to walk around the school as All Might shows him the training areas, classrooms and the events centre. As they are walking past classrooms All Might points out a classroom "This classroom belongs to class 1-A this is the class you will be in." Midoriya takes a look inside and asks a question "Wait where are they, shouldn't they be in class." All Might turns back to him "Oh  they are probably doing practical training, you want to see." Midoriya's face breaks into a smile "Absolutely!" 

They make their way to Ground Zone Beta instead they walk past the doors and up the stairs all the way to the viewing area and watch from multiple screens showing different view points they stand at the back not being noticed as Midoriya sees lots of students standing in front watching btw screen, All Might explains "There are two teams  one protecting the "bomb" the villains and one attacking it trying to stop it the hero's." Midoriya nods as someone catches his eye Kachan "Of course he's in my class." He says mumbling they watch as the hero team a girl with brown hair and a girl with green hair who displays frog type characteristics he watches carefully as he pulls out his notebook writing notes on their quirks. 

As they watch the hero team get split up and the brown haired girl gets caught by Bakugou and end up in a fight, the fight starts off equal but slowly turns one sided as Bakugou stops holding back he fires a large explosion shooting the girl back sending her flying into a wall, you would think the fight was over but Bakugou keeps fighting. Midoriya looks up to All Might " Hey why are they still going it's clear Bakugou won." All Might keeps his eyes on the screen "Young Uraraka hasn't given up yet so Aizawa hasn't called off the fight." Midoriya groans After another attack Uraraka falls to the ground her eyes barley able to stay open however as Bakugou get's ready to attack again Midoriya hears something no one else hears it not All Might not Aizawa but he does. All Might hums "This may be getting out of hand." As he turns to his side as he sees Midoriya gone. "Young Midoriya?" 

 Uraraka hits the ground hard she tries to stand to her feet but she's too hurt and too tired "Alright i give up." She tries to say but it voice is too tired and hoarse. "All right round face you better be ready." He say's as he lifts up his arm ready to pull on his gauntlet filled with his sweat ready to fire a large explosion, suddenly he hears Aizawa's voice in his ear. "Bakugou that's enough, this is going too far." He smirks "She'll be fine as long as she doges." He say's a she pulls out his ear piece just as he pulls the pin Midoriya smashes through the floor they are standing on causing them all to stumble and Bakugou trips backwards his arm fires the explosion towards the roof. 

Midoriya lands to his feet on what little floor is left and makes his way to the girl he picks her up as she slowly opens her eyes "Uraraka right? Are you okay." She mumbles something as she soon passes out. Suddenly Midoriya's attention is drawn to Bakugou "No way! DEKU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Midoriya smiles "Believe it or not i go here now."  Bakugou groans "What a load of crap, SOMEONE LIKE YOU COULD NEVER EB A HERO! On top of that you messed with my training session." Midoriya's smile fades " I heard her she said she gives up, on top of that you should have seen she was finished. It's just like you, you don't know when to stop." Bakugou smirks "HA, didn't think i would see the day when you grow a spine and talk back to me. But you ruined my training session so i'm gonna fight you and show you what a real hero can do." Midoriya places Uraraka down carefully away from the fight "A lot's happened it changes people, but you will always be the same. This is a weird first day this will be, but have it your way." 

Midoriya get's into a fighting stance and Bakugou does the same just as they are about to begin their fight a voice spreads through the speaker " Stop it both of you this excerise is over, the hero team won." Bakugou's face turns to anger "IMPOSSIBLE!" Aizawa speaks once again "That explosion you sent through the roof hit the upper floor where Ida and Tsu were fighting the blast gave the opportunity for Tsu to get to the bomb. Also Bakugou Headmaster Nezu wishes to speak to you he will give you a punishment for your recent behaviour. And Midoriya was it? Bring Uraraka back here we will take her to Recover girl." They both do as they are told. 

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