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Midoriya falls in and out of consciousness as he hears voices his mother, All Might and a man "please can you save him?" His mother asks her voice sounds shaken save who? A man responds "I'm sorry but it's too soon to say, even if he does survive his arm and leg their charred straight to the bone he won't be able to use the, and they will be amputated." Who are they talking about, wait is he a doctor "No! Please he's my son!" The doctor sighs "I'm so sorry, we wills schedule the operation for tomorrow." Wait are they talking about me? 

 All Might speaks up "I'm sorry he came looking for me, I should have saved him." He hears his mother once again it sounds like she's angry but it soon fades "All I want to do is to scream at you and blame you for what happened to him, but it won't help Izuku." She says as tears fall from her eyes, All Might sighs "No I should have saved him and I will. I promise your son to will be okay and I think i have a way to fix his body." There is a pregnant pause for a moment until his mother speaks "Please don't promise things like that." " I will keep this promise I swear I know someone he may be able to help. He may be able to fix him, but I need your consent." He hears another pause " if it will save Izuku of course." That's the last thing he hears. 

Midoriya groans as a bright light burns his eyes he opens them to see a ceiling fan he forces himself to sit up. Suddenly, memories flood into him he quickly turns to his side and picks up the mirror on his beside table he looks at his reflection "Thought for sure my face would be burned, but looks goo-" The mirror drops to the floor as Midoriya looks at his hand no his whole arm it's metal "AHHH!" Midoriya screams and he falls off his bed he looks down and suddenly sees his leg now metal as he scurries backwards slams into the wall realising his arm his legs are  gone. Suddenly he hears footsteps a girl walks into the room "Oh you're awake. Are you okay? I know it's all a shock but please try and calm down." Midoriya shakes his head "No no no no where is my arm and my leg what happened?" 

The girl tries to help him up but he pulls away "You remember the explosion, the building the fire burned your leg and arm it had to be amputated. To anyone else that would have been it and you wouldn't have an arm or a leg but All Might called my father, he owes him and decided to help you he replaced both limbs with cybernetics. But you need to be carful they are still experimental technology" Midoriya shakes his head refusing to accept this she tries to help him up once more but he pushes her away using his new arm he pushes her too hard sending her flying back hitting the ground. Midoriya instantly apologises "No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that I-I- I can't control it I'm sorry." Tears start to form in his eyes as she gets up she makes her way to him " it's okay I know you didn't mean it, I'm fine really." Midoriya shakes his head "Leave me alone. It;s dangerous." She brushes off his comment and makes her way closer "I SAID GET AWAY! LEAVE!" This causes her to flinch "If that's what you want." She says as she turns to the door "I'll come get a doctor to check on you later." She say's as she leaves

Midoriya grips his mechanical hand "Why did this happen to me, I don't want this." Midoriya forces himself to stand to his feet as he reaches over to the bedside table to pick up a glass of water, he uses his cybernetic arm but the moment he picks it up the glass shatters in his hand. He groans and slides back down to the floor. He starts to cry as he realises something, "Mom? Where is my Mom? He looks through the draws looking for his phone but finds nothing. He pulls himself up back to his feet heading for the door, he is carful this time  and uses as little force as possible to try the handle, but he finds it's locked. He adds some force and the handle breaks off opening the door, he stumbles out still not used to his new leg he suddenly is met with a large glass windows he looks outside and is shocked "WHere am I? This isn't Japan. Mom? Mom! He begins to shout louder as Doctors make their way down to him with security they try to grab him Midoriya swings his arm sending the guard flying "Where is my mother!?" He say's as he pushes more guards away sending them flying into the wall suddenly he feels something on his neck. Midoriya turns around and sees a doctor holding a now empty needle. He starts to stumble "Whe-where is m-my m-mo-th" Before he can finish he passes out. 

Midoriya wakes up hearing murmuring of people, more specifically two people a man and a girl. He groans as he opens his eyes they both turn to him as the girl speaks first "Oh good you're awake, I hope you're feeling okay." He tries to sit up but feeling restraints "Sorry we didn't want a repeat of what happned before." Midoriya's eyes shoot open " I didn't mean t- Are they okay?"  She nods "Yeah they are a little bruised but they're good." He breathes a sigh of relief "Thanks uh-" She jumps in "Mellissa, Mellissa Sheild. This is my father David Sheild he is the one who helped you." Midoriya grips his hand once more and looks up to the man " What happned?" The man reaches into his pocket pulling out a phone handing it to him "I think it's better if she explains." He hands him the phone, he takes it and puts it to his ear his eyes go wide as he hears "Izuku are you there?" He breaks into a smile "Mom? Where am I? Where are you?" She tells him to slow down as she starts to explain 5 miniatures later Midoriya says goodbye "I love you too." He say's as he ends the call. He looks back to the two of them "So after the accident All might Calle you his old partner to help me and you took me to America where your lab is located and you did this to me." 

He nods "That's pretty much it yeah. I know this is an adjustment and it will be hard but you will get used to it. With enough work you can get back to normal. Midoriya shakes his head I don't know how this is ever gonna be normal." David nods "Yes I see how you may think that but you have a unique opportunity here. This technology is one of a kind you're lucky even though you don't feel it. Now let me just take a look at your arm and leg to see if everything is calibrated." After what feels like a hours he finishes the calibrations. 

Then Midoriya is sent to do some physiotherapy and is met with Melissa, she works through some exercises with him working on control. Midoriya looks up to her "Hey I'm sorry about pushing you I really didn't mean too." She smiles at him "Don't worry I know it was an accident, that's why we re doing this, the quicker you can control this means accidents like that won't happen again." He nods as he continues the exercise. "Yeah i guess you're right. Thanks."

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