Chapter 25 Rivals

Start from the beginning

"You will have low-paying jobs! Do you want us to live in a trailer park?"

"Our conversations are mismatched! What on earth are you talking about? What my future looks like doesn't have anything to do with you anyway." She unintentionally just crushed all my hope. She wasn't prepared at all for the crestfallen look on my face.

"You... You're an impudent creature! Here I am trying to help you and you! You ungrateful bitch!" I exploded, that stupid girl, why can't she take things seriously?

Kaylor ended up getting bopped on the head by me without her knowing the reasons why. Now I'm gladder than ever that the library's empty during this time.

"What on earth are you two doing?" Iko interrupted what looked like domestic violence between us.

"Iko! Save me! Help-ouch, ouch!" I kept hitting her with a book as Kaylor ran away and hid behind the Indonesian guy.

"Jeez... and here I thought you guys were having a serious session."

"We were! Except for this runt here weren't paying attention and wasting my time and effort!" I yelled.

"That's not true! Morgana here is a slave driver!" She made a face at me which I retaliated by throwing an eraser at her head.

"Hey, hey, cut it out you two. The librarian will throw us out." Iko made us went back to our respective seats.

"Oh, anyway, why are you here?" I asked once we settled back down. "Where is Miss high and mighty?"

"How rude, for your information, I often find myself in the library too because of natural curiosity. And if you meant Empress, she will join us later. She's answering a phone call from her dad." Iko replied.

"Now you are here, do tell this stubborn impudent child to start thing of another thesis study!"

Iko looked from one girl to the other. I was all flustered and Kaylor's worn out. "Why? Aren't you being too hard on her? You should at least understand how tough it was for people with learning disability to cope with the workload."

"Hey! Which side are you on?"

"I'm kidding. Want to go for a break? Let's get some snack and recharge your brain's cells." Iko suggested. Besides, Kaylor looked like she really needed it too.

"Iko you are a Godsend!" Kaylor jumped and hugged the boy. And with that, they happily skipped away from the library, disappearing from my view.

"What the heck, those two—they are unbelievable! That Iko, isn't reading or researching was his reason to come here in the first place?"

Now alone, I thought back to what Kaylor had said. It seemed that she wasn't bothered at all being separated from me after graduation. But what hurts the most what that Kaylor didn't plan to include me in the future.

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