Chapter 1

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"Evelina Sanders." The name rung throughout the audience, sending a quiet shiver amongst the crowd. Heads turned to face a young girl toward the back, her lips parted, slightly quivering with shock. She steps out from the people, her boots dragging on the ground as she walked. It was hard to know what she was thinking. Her head was low, dark hair covering her solemn expression. When she finally looked up, she was met with the pitiful looks of her community, their faces unable to void any look of worry.

As she got to the podium she stared into the crowd. She saw her parents, her mother sobbing and her father stone faced. She had no siblings, and she supposed that were a good thing. It would have been harder to say goodbye to more people. She looked to her only friend, Daffodil Corwin, a girl with ginger hair she had met months prior.

Evelina smiled at her hopefully, nodding her head slowly. Daffodil could only cry, her tears falling silently down her face with ease. There was no need to make a sound, for everyone was thinking the same thing. Those from District 12 who are chosen for the games do not come back. The man at the microphone asked her if there was anything she'd like to say. He was met with silence, until she grabbed the microphone.

"I hope everyone enjoys the show," she whispered through tears.

Then, Evelina stood a little straighter, lifted her left hand to her mouth, kissed it, and raised three fingers in the air. A thank you, a goodbye. The people of District 12 copied this, and without another word, Evelina Sanders was swept away.


"You have three minutes," a Peacekeeper announced, tossing Evelina's parents into the room in which she was confined to at the moment. Evelina's mother ran to her, wrapping her frail hands around her child's face. She cried. Soon, all three were crying.

"Here," her mother handed her a small, metal locket.  "You're allowed one thing from your district. Take this." The locket was familiar to Evelina. It was her grandmother's, and then her mother's. An engraving of a small bird, a mockingjay, was painted onto the necklace.

"Thank you," Evelina murmured.

"Find a bow," her father croaks. "It's your only hope."

Evelina looked to her father, seeing the tears streaming down his usually stoic face sparked something in her. She knew that with any chance, any hope she may have, she must use it toward winning. For 12.

"passed down like folk songs
our love lasts so long"

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