Chapter 13

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Two months passed by, and Allora was filling her days with activities like drawing with Nikolai and taking walks outside trying to calm her soul.
Davian was giving her time to get used to the castle. At that night she was out of her head. For the first time she felt this kind of love and safety. She wanted more. Allora thought if she gave him her body, he would stick with her, but Davian declined. Did he not want her ugly body, she wanted to feel needed, attractive. Her face was the only thing that was pretty, according to her former fiancé Ivan.
She wanted to feel beautiful like Vivian. To be confident, have a sense of humor, talk to people normally without being at the edge of having a panic attack or getting anxious.
Vivian was everything she wasn't. How could Davian even look at her when he had such a gorgeous wife.
Allora hated herself for being like this. So insecure, pathetic, and jealous.
The mother of Davian, the queen came to her room today and threatened her to not come near Nikolai anymore, it was enough that she stole Davian. "You are just a slave, nothing more. Even if he loves you, you will never be accepted. I hope you know that you ruined a family, devil's child."
These words couldn't get out of her head. She was extremely angry and couldn't stop herself from letting it out on Davian the moment he entered her room to check on her like he usually did.

"You were in her room, weren't you?" Allora didn't have the right to ask but she couldn't stop the words.
"Yes, she is not feeling alright, so I checked on her." Allora looked at him with piercing eyes and clinched her fist "is she feeling alright now?"
He smirked amused "are you, god forbidden, jealous?"
"No, why would I be. She is your wife" Allora stated, and his mouth went even wider. He was about to let out his beautiful laughter.
"Don't laugh."
"I'm not" he smiled tenderly "Allora, you are feeling jealous and to be honest I love that... there is nothing to be ashamed of."
"You still love her."
"I never did."
"You told me you're all mine now."
Her body stiffened and her little hands were in her brown hair pulling them out.

"Allora don't!" Davian let out. Allora was not listening. He stepped towards her and held her fists trying to open them while talking to her tenderly "you are not feeling fine... did anybody say anything to you..."
"They are saying I'm the reason for breaking your family apart" Allora sniffed, her under lip trembling. Her eyes were red, and she was holding the tears back.
Davian wrapped his arms around Allora and held her tight.

"Let it out love, don't hide your emotions."
His voice was so tender but his gaze fierce. Who said that to her? He's going to make them regret this so bad.
His little one was crying hard, which made him feel even angrier.

"Mother, I told you thousand times to let her be. Don't mock her."
Davian heard from the guards that his mother visited Allora, when he was not here.
"If you think that you can bring devils child to my house and let us all live with this little sociopath and pretend it's alright, you're totally wrong, my king. They are planning to eliminate you. Get this thing away from here before everything crushes down what your father worked for."
"Hmm so what I understand from your speech is that they forgot who the king is, and they need a reminder."
He was serious and that sounded cruel. But he couldn't care less. It seemed like everyone had a lot to say on who he was with.

It was midnight when he walked into the room again where Allora had to be sleeping.
She wasn't on the bed and neither in the bathroom but then he noticed her figure resting on the railing of the balcony. She looked so fragile.
He took the silk sheets and went to her.
Wrapping the sheets around her figure she flinched "It's me, love."
"I didn't hear your steps" her voice was hoarse. Davian back-hugged her, his chin on her head.
"You were supposed to be sleeping" He was worried.

"I couldn't" she turned around and looked up at him.
"Baby you need some sleep, please" he leaned to plant a kiss on her forehead.
"But I really can't... I'm trying, please don't push me harder" she closed her eyes and looked down. Allora knew she was being a burden but how could she control that.
"But you didn't close your eyes for the past three days."
She knew her dark circles were getting worse, and she was going mad, but she just couldn't sleep. Allora looked at his face again and noticed that he also looked tired.
"Stay with me, you seem tired" she lifted her hand and touched the back of his neck massaging it.
Davian made her feel free, safe, and loved but she still couldn't make improvements.
What was wrong with her?
Davian looked at her expression turning sad.
"I will stay, love" he had a lot to do but that could wait.
He lifted her up and walked to the bed.

After two hours of trying to make her rest, she finally closed her eyes and was falling asleep.
Davian loosened his grip and sneaked out, standing in the balcony while looking at the wide night sky. He felt helpless.
It seemed like everyone was against her, every time she would improve a little, they would drag her down.
He felt like he was behind an invisible wall. He couldn't do anything, he couldn't save her.
His little sweetheart needed protection and Davian was going to do everything in his power to do what was needed.
Immersed in thoughts he heard a loud scream.
It was Allora, she was having nightmares again. He ran inside the room straight next to her trembling body.
"Allora wake up" he tried not to sound panicking.
She opened her eyes and cried "Davian!"
She stretched her arms in his direction. He didn't hesitate to return the hug "yes love it's me."
He hugged her tighter.

Davian was walking around his office, running his hand through his hair.
The physician said that her body couldn't handle the malnutrition.
"Ezar, what should I do?" Ezar never saw Davian in that state, he had been through a lot, but he was never broken like this. His king was going crazy hiring tens of physicians and even looking for witches.
Ezar couldn't see him like this. He walked in front of Davian.
"Look I have a solution, I'm not sure if it will work but hear me out" he started.
"Ezar, I don't know what to do, I can't let her go, I am not ready, I just found her."
"I know that" he glanced at Davian up and down "I see it too."
Ezar breathed heavily before he continued "actually my sister went through a lot and was also having similar behavior like princess Allora, she is doing fine now."
Davian's full attention turned to him.
"How? An herb?"
"No, it was a woman."
"What nonsense is that?"
"Just listen, the woman helped her, and I saw that with my eyes."
"Where is this woman? And how did she help her?"
"She lives near the border of the city, you will see yourself how she does that."
"Search for her!" he said as he looked out the window seeing Allora and Nikolai sit together on the grass. Nikolai liked Allora a lot. The boy even came to his office while Davian was working to ask him if it was possible to marry Allora when he got older.
Davian of course responded with a 'No', to which Nikolai said, "I don't care what you say, I will marry Allora" and went outside.
He smiled to himself.
"I will be with Allora and Nikolai" he informed Ezar before exiting the room.

"Your majesty, where are you going?" his mother's voice rang through the corridor. She was walking with Vivian towards him. He closed his eyes in annoyance.
"To Allora and Nikolai"
"Aside from the fact that your wife is not in a good condition, you still spend time with that cunt and also allow her to be with the crown prince?" even Vivian was shocked.
"Look, nowadays you're going on my last nerve, I advise you to disappear from my sight before I do something both of us will regret." Both ladies shivered at his voice, but his mother continued speaking "You are not allowed to talk to my in that manner because of her."
She avoided her name as if it was a curse.
Davian rolled his eyes and mumbled "you gave me no other choice" and walked to them "I know everything alright? Be thankful I didn't banish you till now" Davian's cold eyes priced them.
Vivian's face went pale.
"Your highness, he knows" she was terrified.
"No worried my dear, no worries."

It didn't last long until Ezar found the old lady but convincing her was the hard part. She refused to come to the castle because the patient was the daughter of the man, who killed her son and husband.
Until when would she still be suffering from her father's actions?
Davian was enraged "what do you mean she will not come?"
"I suggest we go to her, it would be better. Maybe if she sees you, she will agree" Ezar explained.
"Prepare the carriage, we are going."
"Your majesty, please, you have a kingdom to rule. Can you at least end the work?" Ezar stood in front of him, preventing Davian from going. Ezar was doing the work for the last weeks, and he had enough.
"I will do that later. I have more important stuff to do" Davian rose an eyebrow and motioned with his head for Ezar to go to the side.

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