The End

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The party was getting boring over the time and Lily could feel the start of a headache coming.
"I am worried" Lily expressed her thoughts.
"Don't worry they will be fine" Ciel leaned in to plant a kiss on her forehead, to which she closed her eyes, enjoying his affection. The corner of Ciel's lips quirked up.
"Are you tired, my queen?"
"Yes, would you accompany me to our room?" she offered smiling.
"That is tempting" Ciel flashed a smug smile at her, and Lily slapped him on the chest playfully.
"I was joking, we are staying until the party ends" Lily challenged him, her eyes shining with love.
"My love" Ciel wrapped an arm around her, pressing Lily into his chest to which she giggled.
"Kian seems like he is in need of some help" Lily muttered silently encouraging Ciel to help Kian, who was stressed talking to the high ranked general also known as Asena's father.
Ciel held Lily's hand and walked towards them. He never left Lilys side, she liked how obsessed he was over her. Lilys cheeks turned rosy at the thoughts.
"Tell me general, are you happy with my son?" Ciel questioned, his voice low.
A look at Ciel's face and it was clear that he did that on purpose.
Lily pinched his arm showing her dissatisfaction "Oh general, did you know that our Kian is the best swordsman in all the land?" Lily ruffled Kian's hair and Ciel's eyes went cold.
"He is not the best" Ciel said matter-of-factly but his low voice made Lily feel shivers down her spin.
"For sure your majesty is the best without discussion" Lily tried to lighten up the mood and the general laughed Loudly.
"I'm back" Asena came with two drinks in her hands and a smile on her face that dropped after she saw Ciel.
"Your majesty, my lady" she bowed to them.
"Father this is yours" Asena handed her father the drink and turned to Kian looking him up and down then mockingly saying "you are a child."
Ciel took the other drink from her hand "you are one too." Asena rolled her eyes without anyone noticing.
Kian smiled and grabbed her arm pulling her beside him.
"It's alright" he whispered into her ear in his sweet voice and Asena went red in the face feeling shy. Despite his age, the boy was extremely manly.
After the masquerade ball ended Ciel and Lily wasted no time to address the guests and say their goodbyes to them.

"Ciel, can you walk faster?" Lily asked impatient and desperate.
"My queen, be patient" he answered, carrying Lily in his arms while walking towards their shared room to continue what they had started.
He wanted to pin her to the corridor walls and do her right there but the thought of anybody hearing her sweet voice and looking at her seductive body stopped him.
She was his, nobody was allowed to see that part of her.
Lily started to undo the buttons on his chemise her mouth planting kisses on the exposed skin.
He swallowed feeling the burning fire in his body.
"Lily, this is dangerous" he warned her.
"Ciel" she muttered, and he closed his eyes. She was driving him crazy.
"Ciel, please" Lily bit the flesh of his neck and he groaned.
One look at the guards and they hurried to open the doors.
Ciel walked into the chamber and placed Lily on the bed, taking of his clothes while she undid her dress.
"Love, leave that to me" Ciel leaned towards her undoing the dress himself and placing kisses allover her body.
"I love you" Lily whispered her voice overshadowed with need.
"I know Love, I know" Ciel kissed her forehead caressing her back to calm her down.
"I love you too" he hums softly against her.

"He looks tired" Allora was laying on the bed in Davian's room looking at the sleeping Nikolai, while Davian sat on the sofa holding a glass of alcohol his elbows on his knees.
"The trip was long for him, he complained the whole time."
Allora lifted herself up a little bit leaning on her elbow "don't you want to join us?"
"I am not sure I can hold myself while being with you in the same bed" Davian responded smugly, and Allora rolled her eyes.
"Davian you lost so much weight and your undereyes is extremely dark" Allora was serious again.
"I missed you Allora" he glanced at her and drank from the glass.
"Stop drinking" she said while getting up and walking towards him to sit on his lap.
He put the glass away and made her sit comfortably her legs on both sides of his thighs. She held his face with her hand and caressed his cheeks with her thumbs.
"I missed you too, Davian" she let out a sigh "I don't like seeing you broken because of me."
He touched her waist and placed his forehead on her cleavage.
"It's not something I can control Allora" his voice was barley heard.
"I know but I don't want to see you suffer" she played with his hair and placed kisses on it.
"I will not if you stay with me" he took a deep breath.
"I will stay with you, forever, even if you push me away, I too cannot imagine my life without you, Davian" Allora teared up feeling the overwhelming emotion.
"I want to wake up next to you and be the first to wish you a 'good morning', I want to be the one welcoming you home at night, I want to be the one you share your happiest and saddest moment with, I want to see every side of you, your worst and your best" her tears fell down and Davian looked up to her, his eyes wide open from the shock.

"I am in love with you, Davian and I miss you whether you are far away or in front of me. Love, I got so used to you, it is hard to live without you anymore. I want to be with you in this life and the next one. I am worth nothing without you. Davian embrace me."

"Oh god Allora, my love" he caressed her face whipping up her tears "you're making me love you even more" he kissed her pouted lips and pulled her towards him to kiss her even deeper.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Davian whispered looking at her eyes, the eyes he fell in love with at the very start.
Allora smiled though her tears looking so angelic in Davian's eyes.
They were looking at each other in their own trance.
Allora always thought that she didn't need love. She played tough and strong to survive. At some point she didn't even want to live anymore but then she met Davian.
Davian loved her unconditionally, understood her and cared about her. It all broke the ice around her heart.
She stayed in his arms hugging him, feeling his warmth.
She didn't know how much time passed by but suddenly the thought of Vivian crossed her mind.
"What happened to Vivian? She didn't come with you" Allora wanted to know.
"She has been deposed" Davian answered calmly.
"What do you mean? What about Nikolai?"
"He will do fine without her" Was the only thing he said, which made Allora more curious.
"What happened?"
"She abused him physically" another short answer.
Allora was worried and Davian looked like he didn't want to talk but she couldn't stop herself, it was about Nikolai, the sunshine.
She glanced at him and then the thought hit her, she was not one of the family, she didn't have the right to ask these questions.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interfere" she pulled herself away to stand up, but Davian quickly caught her arms to hold her in place.
"No love, I didn't mean it that way, I just don't want to ruin the mood. I already solved everything, you don't have to be worried. I promise I will tell you everything later" Davian answered quickly.
Davian knew what Allora went through and why she behaved so insecure, and he was ready to spend his whole life to show her how precious she was to him.
A "I love you" was not enough to heal all her wounds.
"Nikolai will be happy when he wakes up and sees you by his side. It was hard for him after you left" Davian tried to change the subject.
"I'm sorry" Allora felt bad.
"No, I'm not telling you that for you to apologize. I just want you to know that we love you and cherish you. You are really important to me, to us, Allora" Davian sounded sincere.
"Davian you are important to me too" she leaned in to kiss him and he closed his eyes from the feelings. It was as if she had magic power over him.
Her tongue was so sweet and soft like cotton, he wanted to eat her up.

"Papa!" Nikolai's voice reached them, and Allora quickly jumped off Davian fixing her hair.
Nikolai was in a sitting position rubbing his eye with his small fist.
"Allora!" Nikolai's hand fell, tears filled his eyes, and he sobbed.
Allora quietly walked towards the bed, her eyes full of tears too.
She missed him. She missed drawing with him, laughing, joking and talking with him. The boy was like a light in the end of the tunnel. Every time she saw him, she felt relieved.
"Yes, it's me" she answered with a shaking voice and a wide smile.
The child didn't waist a second to get out of the bed, run to her and give her a hug to which she had to kneel to return it.
"I missed you so much" he mumbled in the crock of her neck.
"It's late, let's go to sleep" Davian's voice broke the silence and both Nikolai and Allora looked at him.
"Is Allora staying with us?" Nikolai asked innocently and his father answered with a nod.
Allora lifted Nikolai up and walked to the bed.
Later on, Davian joined them too. He laid down behind Allora, hugging, smelling, and kissing her.

The next day Lily met Allora quietly walking out of one of the quests rooms.
After a second thought she remembered that it was Davian's.
"Allora what the fuck are you doing here?"
Allora turned to her eyes widened "Lily not so loud."
"What are you doing in the morning? Even the sun is not out yet" Allora asked Lily annoyed and Lily rose one brow.
"I am the host, I have to make sure everything is ready before anyone wakes up."
"How did Ciel let you out?"
"He didn't, he was sleeping when I sneaked out" Lily scratched the back of her neck.
"Now don't change the subject, what were you doing in Davian's room?"
"I was sleeping but it's better to get out early before anybody wakes up and sees me going out of there" she let a sigh out "I don't want them to speak badly about him."
Suddenly the door behind Allora opened and a half naked Davian with messy hair appeared.
"Allora be quick and come inside" his morning voice was deep and harsh.
Allora's cheeks went red, they seemed like a married couple.
"Good morning, Davian" Lily interfered forcing a smile.
"Oh, it's you Lily" he leaned on the doorframe crossing his arms.
His uber body was on display and Allora could see every muscle and vain.
Lily's savants were looking at him too, the man was handsome.
Allora wanted to run her hand through his hair so bad.
"I came to take my sister, your majesty" he ignored Lily's fierce gaze and held Allora's arm pulling her towards his chest.
"It is not appropriate for a single lady to sleep in a stranger man's room" Lily tried to stay calm. For some reason Davian made her angry.
"I am not a stranger to Allora" he eyed Allora smiling and she avoided the gaze.
"Davian, stop" Allora tried to get out of his grip.
"That's not what you said last time" Davian said mockingly but his smile was soft.
Lily looked at them in shock.
"You did ..." she couldn't bring herself to say it.
Davian laughed "did what? Allora is not a child and believe me Lily I know that the best."
"Davian, I hate you, I will never approve the marriage" Lily was enraged.
"What marriage?" Allora looked up at Davian and he pecked her lips.
"Our marriage, love."
"There is no marriage" Lily couldn't sound more angry.
"Oh my, are you jealous? Don't worry you can ask Ciel to renew your marriage" Davian let out a sarcastic laugh and Allora slapped him on the chest.
"Don't talk to Lily like that."
"It's time for breakfast soon, I should go" Lily said before giving Davian a cold look "I will be waiting for you, Allora."
"I'm afraid she won't be able to come since I'll be keeping her by my side at all times" Lily ignored him and walked away.
"Let's bath together" Davian pulled Allory inside the room.

Allora sat inside the bathtub leaning on Davian. His body was hot, and he massaged her shoulders.
She moaned as his hands wondered on her body.
"Love I want you" he kissed behind her ear.

"Papa are you here" Nikolai knocked on the door before opening it.
"Nikolai, good morning" Davian greeted his son as he hugged Allora's naked body to his chest covering her with his arms. She hid her face in his neck.
Nikolai looked at them rubbing his eyes "I want to bath with you too."
"Close your eyes for a little" he asked Nikolai softly and stood up to get a towel for Allora "love, let me help you."
She quickly walked out feeling extremely shy.

Spring and summer passed by the tree leaves started to turn yellow and orange again. Davian and Allora's had their glamorous wedding, that had everyone talking about.
Nikolai was super happy now that Allora would stay with them forever. He was allowed to visit his mother, which he did very often, since Davian forced him. Of course, not without a bunch of guards and assassins.
On the other side Lily was pregnant and soon she would give birth. Ciel was over the moon after he heard the news, he didn't let her even walk alone on the stairs.

Giving birth was harder than expected. Lily felt like dying. The pain killed her.
Ciel was dead worried about her. He didn't even leave the room, which was considered inappropriate, not like he cares about such things anyway.
He stayed by Lily's side, held her hand and whispered the sweetest words to her.
She was terrified of taking responsibility, scared that she wouldn't be a good mother.
But after delivering the baby, the only feeling that stayed was happiness.
She held her son in her arms. It was so small and fragile.
"Look how beautiful he is, Ciel" Ciel chuckled, the sentiment warming his heart as he pressed his lips onto the top of her head.
"He is very pretty" he caressed the child's cheeks with the back of his hand.
"I'm so happy" Lily glanced at him looking exhausted.
He pushed her hair back.
"Lily, you're the miracle I didn't ask for but don't regret receiving," he whispered softly to her.
"I love you, I never thought I would be capable of loving someone, I didn't think it was possible.
You have successfully broken the ice around my heart and took it as yours forever. I will be your safe place, the person you trust the most, the one who will love you for eternity.
I won't ever hurt you for as long as I live, Lily."

She put a hand on his cheek her tears falling "oh Ciel, I love you too, I have no words to describe it, but I surely know that you are my one and only, my fated other part, because there is no other explanation to how I feel about you."
Ciel stared at her wet eyes, that displayed the forest green in them which was swirling with so much emotion all at once. She flattered her eyes, she wanted to stay up and spend more time with Ciel and her son, but the tiredness and sleepiness took over her and she fell asleep without noticing.

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