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Everything went so fast, my brothers know about my relationship with Yeonjun. Yeonjuns father now also knows about us.

Today, was my first day staying with Yeonjun. My brothers,and his father left for the airport this morning.

Lately, I've really been missing my parents. I still cant move on from their death, it still has effects. I was in Yeonjuns room sitting on this bed. Thinking about my parents brought tears to my eyes.

I started crying silently, closing my eyes tears made there way to my cheeks. I was think so deeply, thag I didn't even notice Yeonjun coming  inside the room.

" Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked rushing to my side and sitting beside me. I shot opened my eyes hearing his voice.
I quickly wiped my tears with my sweater paws.

" I'm okay baby, don't worry" I said in a cracked voice.

" Hey listen to me, you can tell me anything you want. I'm here. Ill listen to you" He said.

" It's  just that........., I miss my parents." I said looking at him with watery eyes. Yeonjun pulled me into a tight, but loving hug.

" Do you want to tell me what happened?" He said
" it's totally okay if you dont" he finished on

" No, it's fine. You deserve to know" I said

"My mother, had heart problems. She was a healthy person but once had a cardiac arrest which caused her these problems. Because of lack of medication, when I was 8 years old, she unexpected got a heart attack, and because of it she p-passed a-away." I stopped.
I stopped because all of my memories with her were coming back.

Her lovely dimple like smile, her beautiful features, her cat eyes, and her personality was roaming in my head. I miss her. After that, I took a deep breath and said:

" Soon after her passing, my father was depressed. He was in depression. He used to self harm, and spend all of his time in his room all alone.
Both my brothers were young but understood what he was doing. They tried their best to stop him from doing so, but unfortunately, it was way too late.
He suicided from all the negative thoughts, and the physical and mental pain of lossing his loving, and caring wife."

I finally let everthing out, I cried and cried. That moment I felt I was the luckiest girl in the world I had the most wonderful support.
I have my brothers who love me to core.
I have my parents who are in my heat, and our dearly missed. Most importantly, I have Yeonjun the  guy who made me complete.

" I love you Jinnie" I said

" Love you more" he said smiling, he then kissed me on the forehead. We stayed like that for a moment. Until, Yeonjun said:

" Since, you opened up to me. It's my turn now"

" What happend?" I asked.

Yeonjun POV

YN literally opened up to me, telling me all about her parents and their passing. It's my turn now. Inhaling a deep breath I said:

" Most probably you noticed, that I only have a father figure in my life right?"

" y-yes I have noticed....Jinnie look I know where this is going. If your not ready to  tell me its totally okay" She said in a lovely voice, while she rubbed her thumb on my hand.

" It's fine my love...I'm okay with telling you. You deserve to know" I said gently. After a moment of silence, YN spoke:

" Go on then"

" So, I had a younger sister who was 5 years younger then me. One day, my mother and my sister went to the grocery store. When they were coming back......." I Couldn't help but crying. Tears were daring to come out my eyes, YN tried to stop me again but I gathered all my courage and continued on.

" When they were coming back, they got into a car crash, a very severe one. It was that bad that non of them made it. They died on stop."
" My father and I were left only, we did have each other but I lost my mother, and my sunshine, and joyful sister same goes for my dad. We grieved lots, and lots missing them every hour, every minute, and every second of our life" I stopped and started to cry. After a very long time I cried infront of someone other than my father. I love YN

YN and I cried and cried. Both of us were grieving but were grateful for having each other. We stayed like that for hours.

" Let's go" YN said looking at me

" Let's go where?" I asked in a shaken voice, still calm myslef from my breakdown.

" Somewhere" she replied simply. Without arguing further I got up and washed my face.

Walking outside, my hand inside YNs hand. The windy air passing through my face. YNs hair flying backwards due to the breeze. We stopped by the flower shop. YNs got four white roses, she handed my two and kept two for herself.

No-ones POV

As  the two reached the grave yard , both had  crystal like tears fall down from their faces. The dirt crunched under their feet as they knelt down on the ground and looked at the graves in front of them.
Both held  the flowers,  but none of them  laid it  down next to the wilting flowers. Both of them just wanted to stare at the grave. Think about all the excellent memories.
Like, the lovely time they spent with their loved ones or the time when they  got hurt in front of them.
After thinking about all the memories, they put the rose  down and talked to the grave softly. After all, it's been a long time since they've been here.

I'll hold on to you forever ( Choi Yeonjun FF) Where stories live. Discover now