Chapter 13 Letter

Start from the beginning

Another grump came through the line, "Okay, fine. Oh, by the way," Gavin said as if remembering an important detail. "Did she tell you she's graduated from her course?"

"That's what she said to most of us. Why?"

"I hate to break it to you, Morg, but it's either the school made mistake or she lied to you."


"She hasn't graduated yet. She repeated her Senior year for two years. And counting..."

After he told me the last information he got from her, I thanked him and the line went dead. I blanched, staring out my window. It was dark already. At exactly 10 pm, I remember my mother telling me stories when the moon is full and the tides rise high, sea and forest creatures would come out at night. You can't be adrift far too long for the forest, the road and the ocean are known for their many dangers.

However, there was a movement outside my window. I peaked, calming my nerves, and sighed. Relief that it's just someone leaving the loft, I saw Kaylor climb down the tree and head to the woods.


There were nights where I hear a certain voice calling to me every hour. As if it's pulling me to the seas with a soft lullaby. It was a serene voice like opera singers or Gaelic girls singing along the beach with waves crashing against the dark rocks. It was singing in a certain ancient language. My breath was stolen from my lungs and I felt my heart skipped. I didn't know how to move again. It was like I got caught in a binding spell.

My heartbeat grew louder or maybe it was just the blood ringing in my ears. It added rhythm to the song. The voice in my head wouldn't leave me alone and soon I began to listen to the whisper of my conscience.

It calls for me. I must go.

I threw the sheets off me and stood on the side of my bed. There's a newfound strength within me that came from the song. I walked out sneakily so that no one would see me leave or stop me from going.

I must go to her. I must go to my caller.

There was just dead silence, except the singing crickets from surrounding trees. Walking under the moonlight in any other circumstance alone would be serene, but the fact that I'm walking through a forest, heading towards an off-limits side of the beach was terrifying. But I can't help it. The voice's direction was there. I kept walking, barefoot.

I strolled until I reached the sand. I looked around the beach and it's peculiar. I saw someone sitting on a rock with a devious smile on her lips. It was a beautiful maiden. The moonlight only intensified her glorious beauty. Her black hair was loose down her back adorned with shells and her skin shone luminously and impossibly translucent. As if when immersed in water, she'd be invisible. She was close enough that I could smell her, seaweed scent mixed with salty wind. My eyes immediately traced down to her waist and caught the sight of a glowing fishtail. It was silver in color.

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