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I sit up as I hear the bedroom door open. As I look up, I see the woman with black hair enter the room. I recognized her now as the woman who helped Andy at the church before.

She scoffs once she sees me, taking a seat in the arm chair across from the bed.

"I'm supposed to watch you. Stupid, not like you could go anywhere."she mumbles.

"...why are you helping him?"I ask softly.

"Why are you helping him hurt me?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Andy deserves to be happy. He saved us."she says, picking at her nails.

I try to sit up a bit, wiggling my wrists against their restraints.

"And your just okay with it? Killing all these people just to get to me?"I grunt.

"If that's what it takes for him to be happy then yes. Uhg, you don't even understand how lucky you are to have someone that loves you so much."she scoffs.

"This isn't love. Let me go."I whine as she rolls her eyes.

Her overall body language already told me the answer to if she would let me go.

"You're all monsters!"I shout.

"Us? Us the monsters? You just sat there and watched Andy kill your cop didn't you?"she smirks.

Instantly my lips begin to quiver.

"What are you even getting from this!?"I sob.

She flashes a confused expression and then her eyes quickly dart away from me.

"Just shut up before I gag you."


Andy and Zane approach the back of the house where two cellar doors were chained shut.

"So, what do we do with her?"Zane questions.

"What do you mean? She only served one purpose and she didn't even do that. I have no use for her."Andy shrugs, causing Zane to look back.

"So..you're just going to kill her?"he asks.

And smiles and then shrugs.

"...are you okay?"Zane asks.

Andy's smile fades.

"I have my angel. Nothing else matters now."Andy says.

"Andy you...you said you didn't kill people. You said I wouldn't h-have to see-"

"Did I, or did I not save you from that asylum?"Andy cuts Zane off with a disappointed look.

Zane looks up, slightly frightened by Andy's sudden change of tone.

"..y-yes, you did."Zane says.

"Do you or do you not owe me for saving you? You were 15 when you went in and would've been there till you were 40, do you or do you not owe me?"Andy asks taking a menacing few steps towards Zane.

"I do. I do owe you b-but i-i can't keep seeing it. I can't keep watching you kill people. I can't forget it, Andy. I can't forget any of this it's all playing over and over in my mind. I can't stop seeing it."Zane says, looking down.

Andy takes a deep breath before gently placing his hands on Zane's shoulders.

"You're right. You're right Zane, I'm sorry."Andy says, nodding a bit.

Then, without warning, Andy aggressively knees Zane in the stomach.

Zane grunts and then immediately falls forward to the ground. Andy looks down angrily at Zane who was wheezing slightly as it hurt to inhale.

"Breathe."Andy demands.

Zane takes a deep breath and then moans in pain.

"He's just a kid. He doesn't know any better she says. For some reason Bea is always sticking up for you, even when you're clearly in the wrong. If you fuck this up for me, Zane, I might have to send you back to that asylum."Andy says, slowly kneeling beside him.

"N-no."Zane whimpers.

"Then keep your mouth shut. If you don't want to see me kill her, don't fucking watch."

He then stands and walks towards the cellar door, leaving Zane on the ground gasping for air.

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