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My eyes open slowly, and I take a deep breath. My vision was blurry, I could hardly make out shapes.

I blink a few times before attempting to rub my eyes.

I grunt, feeling a restraint on my wrists. I blink hard to clear my eyes and then look over, seeing that I was now bound to the bed with medical grade restraints.

"What the fuck?"I mumble.

"I'm sorry."

I look up, hearing bea's voice.


Bea stood behind a wall, peaking around the corner.

"...what is this?....where is my angel?"he questions.

"I-im right here."

Bea steps out from behind the wall, and Andy notices she looks different.

"..are you..are you wearing her clothes? What the fuck?"Andy says, pulling on the restraints.

"I dyed my hair too. I look like her now, right? I can be your angel."Bea says.

"Stay the fuck away from me! ZANE! ZANE HELP ME!"Andy shouts, causing Bea to shake her head.

"No one can hear you, Andy. Remember?"She says, walking over to him and picking up a small bag of ice sitting on the table.

"Get away from me!"Andy yells, pulling away from her as she places the ice against the large welt on Andy's head.

"Don't move around too much. That asshole beat you pretty bad with the bat."she says.

"Where is Addison!?"he shouts.

"She's gone."Bea shrugs, picking up one of Andy's prescription pill bottles.

"Oh my god."Andy says, pulling on the restraints as she sits on the bed next to him.

"It's time you start taking your pills, Andy."she says with a smile.

"Get the fuck away from me you pathetic FUCK-"Andy was cut off by Bea picking up a pillow and pressing it hard against his face.

Andy begins to struggle and Bea clenches her jaw, holding the pillow down.

After about a minute, she removes the pillow and Andy gasps for air.

"You fucking crazy bitch!"Andy breathes.

She grips his hair and pulls it hard, causing him to hiss.

"You're mine now, Andy. You know we're meant to be together. Your crazy matches my crazy."she says.

"I swear to god when I get out of-"Bea instantly presses the pillow back to his face and he screams into it.

"I've come too far."Bea says.

"I've done so much for you, Andy."she says before pulling the pillow away again, making him take in a deep breath.

"Now that I have you, I'm never going to let you go Andy. Never."



I look through the window into Dorian's ICU unit. He had a breathing tube and had lost a significant amount of blood.

But he was alive.

"Dede."I hear my brother's voice and I instantly turn.

I sob, running to him as he opens his arms.

He instantly embraces me, hugging me tight and lifting me up.

"Oh my god. My doll. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"He asks, sitting me down and cupping my cheeks.

"I'm fine. I'm fine I promise, i-its Dorian."I whine, pulling him over to the window.

"Ah jeez. It looks bad."Benny says, running his fingers through his hair.

"The doctors say he just needs blood, and time to heal."I say.

I feel him look at me as I stay focused on Dorian.

"Is he dead? Is Andy dead?"he questions.

I look up at him, and simply nod.

"..did you kill him?"

"No. But he's dead. Leave it."

He nods, looking back towards Dorian.

"Good job, sis."


The Priest: It is mine to avenge; I will repay.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat