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I stand by the exit of the airport, my arms folded.

I bring my phone up for the 4th time to check the time.

It had been almost 30 minutes.

I sigh and turn towards where Dorian was in the bathroom.

It was relatively quiet in the airport, only the sound of shuffling suits and rolling suitcases, and chatter at the reception desk.

Other than that, nothing but the several screens displaying the local cable channels could be heard.

I begin to walk over towards the bathroom. But suddenly I stop, hearing a familiar voice on the tv.

A reporter I follow.

"Breaking news, I'm standing about 90 feet away from the scene of a massive explosion of a beach house out past Bricky west."

I immediately turn around.

I gasp, seeing Dorian's house up in flames on the tv. The very house I was just in mere hours ago.

"I talked to the fire Marshall, the cause of the explosion was a gas leak, apparently the stove had been left on filled the house with combustible gas. They have tried contacting the owner of the house but there has been no response."

I cover my mouth and then turn back towards the bathroom, beginning to run towards it.

"In other news, escaped convict Andy Biersack is still on the loose."

I immediately stop, dropping everything in my arms as I hear the words.

"Biersack, who was arrested for murder, attempted murder, impeding of the breath, aggressive stalking and many other violent crimes, escaped from prison only 6 days ago. He was last spotted walking with another unknown man down a residential street."

I turn around, seeing that it had cut to surveillance footage of Andy and another man simply walking down the street.

My hands begin to shake and I start to hyperventilate as the report continues.

"Biersack is tall, about 6'2 with dark hair, blue eyes and several tattoos. The police are offering a $200,000 reward to anyone who can find and report him."

Then it was simply his mugshot, staring at me.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I shriek, instantly turning around, throwing punches as I scream.

"Babe stop!"Dorian shouts, quickly pulling me into a tight hug to keep my arms from flailing.

I scream louder, kicking my feet around as he tries to calm me.

"I'm sorry! Dede please!"he says as we were approached by airport security.

"He's out!"I scream at him, beginning to sob.


"Stop kicking! Just let me talk baby I'm sorry!"he says.


After being escorted from the open air port to a private room, Addison angrily distances herself from Dorian.

"Baby, please. You have to understand. You were doing so well, y-you were making so much progress i-"

"You LIED to me! About something this important?? Is that why you had me taken to the beach house? Is that fucker the only reason we were going to Florida?!"Addison shouts accusingly, causing Dorian to run his fingers through his hair, stressed.

"Yes, babe but please just-"

"What about my family?! Were you just going to abandon them for Andy to get? Huh?! Uhg why didn't you tell me! H-he's gonna come after me! He's gonna come after you oh my god!"she says, lowering herself down and covering her head as she begins to sob.

"Addison he's not going to get us I promise. He's never going to touch you again."he says, walking over to comfort.

"You don't know that!"she sobs.

"Yes I do. He's not going to get you. Look at me baby."he says.

She looks up at him, her eyes teary and red.

"I'm going to protect you. I promise."he says, kneeling down and embracing her.

He feels how aggressively she was shaking and hugs her tighter, rubbing her back comfortably.

"We have to get out of here now, okay? Okay?"he says as she nuzzles against his chest, wiping her tears on his shirt.

"okay."she mumbles.


"You're a genius. He's probably terrified!"Bea says, taking Andy's jacket as he enters the house.

"Saw that, did you?"he smirks, looking over at the TV that was playing the news of Dorian's home explosion.

"Yes! Oh my gosh!"Bea laughs as Zane enters the home.

"Where's Scottie?"Andy says.

"She's still in the trunk."He says before taking a seat and letting out a stressed sounding sigh.

"What's the matter with you?"Andy questions.

"..nothing, just tired."Zane says, looking down at his palms.

"Hm."Andy says, glaring at him and then glancing up at Bea.

"Well, go get some rest Zane."Bea says, quickly hurrying him out of the room.

Andy scoffs, shaking his head as he walks over to the table, picking up the TV remote and turning the volume of the news up.

"Kids."he says, disappointed.


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