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I huff, pulling my hand out of my pocket to check my watch.

"Fucking Christ where is this guy?"I mumble.

Suddenly I hear gravel churning under tires.

I look up, seeing Detective West slowly backing in to the parking garage.

I roll my eyes as I walk over to my car, opening the trunk.

I hear him get out and turn around to see him doing a small jog.

"Did you get them? We're finally leaving tonight."he breathes.

"Obviously I got them. All here."I say, holding the duffle bag.

"Also, how the fuck did you let him blow your house up?"

"It's a long story."Dorian huffs.

"I got time and ears."I say.

"We have bigger problems okay. He's got my Google account, man."he groans.

I immediately roll my eyes.

"And you didn't ditch the phones?"I say.

He groans loudly.

"I didn't ditch the fucking phones. Oh my god everything else has been on my mind."he says, his hands coming to his face.

"Are you fuckin kidding me? He knows exactly where you are."I say angrily.

"I realize that now, fuck man."Dorian says, his hands begining to shake as he glances back at the girl in the car.

"Dude, you've never hired a mercenary have you."I say.

Dorian grows an offended expression.

"No jack I'm not a fucking criminal."he says stepping forward.

I put my hands up.

"Step back, you don't want anything from me. But thanks to you that girl is gonna die."I say, pointing to the car.

"Bullshit! Absolutely not!"Dorian says angrily.

I roll my eyes before looking at Addison in the car. We make eye contact and I quickly look back to Dorian.

I grab him by the back of the back of his neck and he hisses as I pull him down and away from the car.

"Listen here you little shit."I say through clenched teeth.

"You are paying me to keep you and that freak girlfriend of yours alive. You make my job harder if your actively allowing the fuckin psycho that's trying to kill you track you. You fucking little shit don't ever raise your voice to me again or I'll kill you and fuck your girlfriend."I say angrily before pushing him away and causing him to angrily huff.

"You're under a lot of stress "I say, pointing at him.

"I'll give you the run down so you're not stressing out too bad. One of two things is going to happen tonight. "

"A: You're gonna go back to your safe spot and get in that plane later today with no issue. B: You're gonna go home and that creep is going to be waiting in your house. You want me to follow you or not?"

Dorian's lip begins to quiver and then he huffs as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"30 minutes behind. I'll send you the address."He says, beginning to slowly walk back to the car.

"Hey."I say, causing him to look back.

"I know you're just trying to keep everyone safe. I know it's hard. You're gonna be okay. Just listen to me."

He only silently nods and then walks back towards the car.



Dorian lies motionless on the floor.

His mother grunts, still sobbing and trying to force the closet door open.

Suddenly, the door opens.

In walks jack with a disappointed look and a bag hanging from his shoulder.

He huffs, putting his hands on his hips and then walking over to Dorian, stepping over his pool of blood.

"Oie. You still alive?"Jack asks, slightly nudging Dorian with his foot.

Dorian lets out a soft groan and Jack sighs in relief.

"Did he take her?"Jack says, kneeling down and pulling his bag into his lap.

"Mhm.."Dorian says softly.

"Lost a lot of blood. Gonna have to sit this one out."He huffs, carefully pulling Dorian's shirt up.

Dorian doesn't respond as Jack examines the wounds.

"Damn. Okay, I'm gonna patch you up and then in a few minutes my buddies are gonna pack you up and take you to the hospital. I'm gonna track down your girlfriend and kill the Andy guy. Sounds like a plan?"Jack asks as he begins pulling first aid supplies out of his bag.

Dorian takes a shallow breath.


"Great. You're also an idiot, but I think you know that by now."



I squirm, kicking at the trunk of the car as I feel it comes to a stop.

My wrists that were bound behind my back burned as I had been trying to worm out of them.

I hear voices and pause.

"Back up! Both of you calm down."Andy's familiar voice states.

"We need to go. At this point everyone is looking for us."the female voice says.

"I know that. I need to settle her first, would you back off?"

I hear the girl groan and then walk away.

The trunk opens and I squint as my eyes adjust to the light.

"Hello Angel."he smiles.

I try to speak through the gag around my mouth as he reaches down, pulling me up.

"Shh, please be quiet we have rather rude neighbors."Andy says as he picks me up effortlessly and tosses me over his shoulder.

I squirm as he holds my legs together and begins walking into a house.

"You know where to find me."Andy says, walking past a girl and a boy standing in the kitchen.

I'm quickly walked into a bedroom and Andy gently tosses me down onto the bed in the room.

"Fuck, does it look good to see you in my bed again."Andy says before kicking the door closed.

I whimper as he takes off his bright red suit jacket.

He walks over to the dresser in the room and pulls the top drawer out as he speaks.

"You're lucky I found you when I did. You know he was trying to take you to Florida? Of all places."Andy scoffs before turning to me with a new shirt.

"Where are my manners."

He walks over and I flinch as he reaches for the gag. He pulls it from around my head and I take in a deep breath before he immediately covers my mouth.

"You know I don't like to hurt you, Addison."he says softly.

"..times are hard right now, Angel. We can't afford any unwanted attention. I need you to promise you'll be a good girl for me."

Instantly I shiver and look away from him, but he pulls my face back to look at him.

"Promise me."he demands.

Scared, I nod.

"Say it."he says, taking his hand away from my mouth.

My lips quiver as his hand gently cups my cheek.

"Go on."

"...I-I'll be a good girl.."


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