CHAPTER 29 (picture & kiss & New)

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Heidi and Tina meet up at the library to study together.

Tina was revising but he did not hear anything from Heidi for about 15 minutes.

She e then look up and saw Heidi sleeping with her head resting on her crossed arms that's on the table.

Tina sighed at that sight and decided to continue revising, not waking Heidi up.

Tina know how tired Heidi is during this period as she have also been studying very hard even in the middle of the night.

Sometimes, Tina was about to sleep when she received a message from Heidi, asking her for help as she doesn't understand the question.

Tina is glad that Heidi is finally focusing on her studies but at the same time, she's worried about her health.

Heidi also barely eat anything during lunch everyday and she sleeps late at night all because of the exams.

Tina looked up at Heidi and saw Heidi slightly shivering.

Tina then put down her notes and took out her jacket from her bag.

She walked over to Heidi's side and gently placed her jacket over Heidi's shoulder.

Heidi shifted her position which made Tina froze on the spot, afraid of waking her up.

But Heidi changed to a comfortable position and continue her sleep.

Tina then continue to adjust her jacket on Heidi so that it can keep her warm.

Tina went back to her seat and looked at Heidi.

Tina observed Heidi closely and he unconsciously smiled.

***'Why didn't I realize how beautiful she look previously?' Tina thought and continue looking at the sleeping hamster.***

Tina saw a strand of her hair falls down and covered her face.

She then used her hand and gently hook the strand of hair behind her ear.

Tina continued observing Heidi 's features and appreciate the moment when Sana is finally quiet and well-behaved.

Tina then decided to continue revising, leaving Heidi to take a good nap.


Heidi finally woke up after 1 hour have passed.

She looked around and saw that she's still in the library.

She then stretched her stiff back and neck before looking around for Tina as she have not seen him around after she woke up.

Just then, she realize the jacket that she dropped when she's stretching her back and she recognized that it's Tina's jacket.

She remembered not wearing any jacket before she sleeps and she smiled upon seeing the jacket as it made her realize that Tina cares for her.

But she thought Tina have already left so she start packing her things.

She carried her bag and stood up.

She was about to leave and just then, she saw Tina's bag on the chair next to her seat.

Tina also came back from the toilet and saw Heidi carrying her bag.

"You're leaving?" Tina asked.

"I just thought you have left. So I was planning to leave as well." Heidi said and shyly passed the jacket to her.

Tina took her jacket and randomly shoved it into her bag before carrying her bag since Tina have already packed her things into her bag previously except for the jacket.

"We should go then." Tina said and smiled.

Heidi nodded and the both of them start to walk back home together slowly.

"You should rest more. You need energy for the exam. Studying too much isn't good if you don't take care of your health." Tina said.

"Fine... I'll go back and enjoy my good 10 hours sleep, is that good enough?" Heidi asked and Tina nodded.

They continue talking while walking slowly until someone came and gave Tina a headlock.

"Ya!" Tina yelled and the girl released her arms.

"Why are you back?" Tina asked after fixing herself.

"To see you." The girl said and Tina rolled her eyes.

The girl then realize Heidi beside Tina and she smiled to Heidi.

"You're Tina's girlfriend?" The girl asked but Heidi shook her head.

"Oh... You're lame bro..." The girl said to Tina which made Tina glare at her.

"This is my cousin, Sulax. She have been staying in Japan previously." Tina said and Sulax waved her hands to Heidi.

"This is my friend, Heidi." Heidi then bowed to Sulax which made Sulax panicked.

"Please don't do that, I'm younger than you." Sulax said and Heidi wondered how does Sulax knows her age.

Tina saw Heidi's face and knows she's confused.

"She told me about it. She told me many things about yo-" Tina then used her palm to cover Sulax's mouth to shut her up.

"Will you be quiet for just a moment?" Tina said and dragged Sulax away from Heidi to stop Sulax from saying more nonsense.

But Heidi also know what Sulax was going to say and she blushed.

Just then, Sulax rima turned around to face Heidi.

"You know you're the first girl that she is sending back home. And also the first girl for us to meet as her girlfriend." Sulax said which Tina made slapped her shoulder.

Heidi then realize that Sulax does not know about things between Charlotte and Tina.

"I already told you that she's not my girlfriend." Tina said and Sulax shook her head, refusing to believe.

"She's such a nice and pretty girl, how would you not like her? I believe you do have feelings for her, right?" Sulax teased and Tina avoided looking at Heidi while Heidi is anticipating for Tina's answer.


Enjoy reading everyone :) XD

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