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The girls are talking when Heidi saw Tina and his friends again.

Heidi suggested to pull another prank that she thought of but Chumpo does not want to.

"Forget about it, Heidi . It have been so long ago." Chumpo said but Heidi didn't care about her.

Heidi then drag Charlotte along and they went to the toilet.

Heidi and Charlotte took a pail of water as well as a packet of flour and set it up, waiting for Tzuyu and his friends to fall for the trap.

When the door open, the water immediately spill all over Tina and some on Engfa and Nudee.

The flour also poured all over the place, making Tina and his friends a snowman.

When Heidi saw what happened, she laughed out loud which cause the other students to laugh along when they saw the three snowman.

But Chumpo frowned after seeing the three girls.

Tina and Engfa went off to clean themselves and Nudee saw Chumpo.

She left in disappointment and Momo stood there watching Nudee 's figure drifting further and further away.

Chumpo and Charlotte then went to clean up the mess that was made by Heidi before Chumpo went up to find for Nudee.

Chumpo remembered that room that they spent their time together.

Chumpo quickly went to the room together with a towel and saw Nudee sitting on one of the empty tables while looking out of the window.

Chumpo then timidly knocked on the door which captures Nudee's attention.

She look over his shoulder and saw Chumpo standing by the door with a towel in her hands.

Nudee didn't answer Chumpo and she turned back to face the window.

Chumpo walked in and stood beside her quietly.

"What do you want?" Nudee asked and Chumpo stretched out her hand with the towel.

Nudee didn't take the towel and told Chumpo to leave.

"I'm sorry about what my friends did." Chumpo apologized on behalf of Heidi.

"What your friends did? Are you sure you are not part of it?" Nudee questioned.

"I know you're mad. But trust me, I have already told her to stop it, she wouldn't listen to me." Chumpo said and Nudee took a glance of Chumpo.

He saw how guilty Chumpo look and could tell how sincere she sound when she apologized.

Nudee sighed and looked down.

"Honestly speaking, your friend is really annoying." Nudee said and Chumpo smiled slightly.

She know that Nudee accepted her apology so she walked closer to her.

Chumpo raised her hand together with the towel and was about to wipe off the flour on her but Nudee stopped her.

"What are you doing?" Nudee asked while slightly tilting his body backwards to maintain some distance between the both of them.

"Wiping the flour off you. You want to have the flour stick on you the whole day?" Chumpo questioned and start wiping the flour off her.

Nudee stared at the Japanese goddess while she is busy wiping off the flour on her.

Chumpo caught Nudee staring at her and she blushed.

She quickly lowered down her head so that Nudee wouldn't see her red face.

"Suay mak..." Nudee said lowly and Momo definitely heard it since she's standing so close to Nudee.

"I mean the towel..." Nudee quickly said and Momo chuckled.

Chumpo composed herself and looked back up at Nudee before continuing to wipe the water and flour off him.

After Chumpo finished wiping, Chumpo sat down beside Nudee and they started talking about some random topics again.

After Chumpo finished wiping, Chumpo sat down beside Nudee and they started talking about some random topics again.

After 20 minutes, Nudee then look at his watch for the time.

"We should go now. It's almost time for the next lesson." Nudee said and Chumpo nodded.

Nudee took the towel over from Chumpo 's hands but Chumpo is gripping it tightly.

"I will clean this up and pass it back to you." Nudee said.

"It's fine. You don't have to." Chumpo said but Nudee insisted.

Chumpo then let it go and Nudee take it for cleaning.


Thank you for reading and please bear with my grammar :) XD

if you have time please vote for me :) TAHNK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!   :) XD

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